New Mudvayne or Judas Priest ?


True Fan
Feb 5, 2005
California USA
Which do you recommend? I saw the new Judas Preist CD at K-mart, surprised cause their CD selection usually sucks. I want to check out the new Mudvayne cd, the first single 'Happy?' is pretty cool. So how about Angel Of Retribution. It's gotten mixed reviews, but i wanted to know if its any good and worth geting. I ended up going with the Best of The Scorpions. Good choice or bad. What do you think ?

the new mudvayne is highly dissapointing. it's one of those 'blah' albums that you get from a band from time to time where every song sounds uninspired and just like the last one.

go buy the 'the art of dying' by death angel instead.
I love the new priest album minus the last two tracks. The more I listen to it i think Lochness is the worst song they ever wrote, but I think the rest of the album smokes.
Thrash fiend said: still going with johnnie czech's advice!!! go by a slayer tshirt they're much better.

I hope Slayer's next album kicks ass. Divine Intervention was the last album I really liked by them. Slayer is fucking AMAZING live though!! :headbang:
New Priest! When you have a choice between any Nu-metal band or Priest...ALWAYS go with Priest!
MikeyBong said:
New Priest! When you have a choice between any Nu-metal band or Priest...ALWAYS go with Priest!

True. I'd even rather buy Turbo (my least fav Priest album) than any Nu metal album.
strik9 said:
I hope Slayer's next album kicks ass. Divine Intervention was the last album I really liked by them. Slayer is fucking AMAZING live though!! :headbang:

Your fucking right my frined about slayer live!!hmmm well I enjoyed diabolous and god hates us all but they wernt classic slayer by any strech of the imagination but I think both had small moments of greatness....but then again when it comes to slayer you want the whole album to be mindblowing because that is what theyre capable of!! And also I think the new album will be cool cos DAVE IS BACK!! and jeff is doing an acousticy intro for one of the songs which will be awesome!...but i doubt we will see the album for another year cos those guys never stop touring! :headbang:
i've been a fan of priest for around a decade, i have about 14 of their albums (including turbo unfortunately), and i didnt like AOR much. just didnt do anything for me. on the other hand, the new mudvayne is pretty badass.
Thanks for the responses. I actually like Mudvayne though. If i had a better computer so i could download songs, cause i hate buyings CD that i never heard and always getting dissapointed. About the Judas Priest Cd's, the only one i have so far is Living After Midnight. It's a best of, but there is some good songs missing.
strik9 said:
I hope Slayer's next album kicks ass. Divine Intervention was the last album I really liked by them. Slayer is fucking AMAZING live though!! :headbang:

You didn´t like God Hates Us All? Are there any news from Slayer´s camp, concerning new record?
johnnieCzech said:
You didn´t like God Hates Us All? Are there any news from Slayer´s camp, concerning new record?

Not really. I liked a few songs musically, but overall I thought Slayer could've done a LOT better. Especially lyrically.