New Music Suggestions..Please Help!


Sep 21, 2004
I am always looking for new music...But i have come to a dead end. So I turn to you my trusted Seventh Wonder Board for new Suggestions

Here is what I like!!!!
Savatage and all that comes from them...JOP, Circle 2 Circle, Chris Caffery, TSo...etc
Dream Theater
Seventh Wonder
Fates Warning
Blind Guardian
Royal Hunt
Symphony X
Halycon Way

New bands I have gotten into that I love........

Thansk for your siggestions

Alan Demorest, Georgia...USA
I find that internet radio stations are the best way to check out and discover new bands to enjoy.

I will suggest the station i help out with Epic Rock Radio. For your Symphonic/Power/Prog Metal fix. I have been working harder lately to mix in more progressive metal (as it's my favorite genre). From reading your list above, i think it's safe to say you will find yourself enjoying ERR. (Although you will probably be disappointed with our only having one Savatage album :erk:)

And one of my top picks for the more progressive stuff would be Prog Rock and Metal Radio. I have discovered many great bands on this station.

Hope you check 'em out.

I'll have to check out Orenda......never heard of them. From looking at the rest of your list i can see that you have great taste in music. So they must be pretty good. :cool:
I think you would love Circus maximus
(Some of my top favorite bands other than the ones you mentioned)
Spheric universe experience
Vanden plas
Shadow gallery
If your a dream theater fan im sure you heard of Liquid Tension Experiment
Fabio-Orenda is a very heavily Dream theater influenced band from France. they have one album out......'A Tale Of A Tortured Soul' i HIGHLY suggest them.....

estYMaj-seen Spheric universe experience and Andreomeda at this past PorgPower USa

I have most or all of these albums!
Vanden plas
Shadow gallery
Circus Maximus-Duh hell yea these guys are awesome

Darkwaters a new one I will check them out! and yes LTe is great stuff

Other bands I have gotten into :headbang:
Fair to Midland
Soul Secret
Diablo Swing Orchestra
tommidt-Funny thing About Leverage.

I was at this past year Prog Power and during the bands set changes they play some prog raido station, and they came on and I loved the song and had no idea who was playing, but before they got to the end of the song and would announce the name of who was singing it, they turned it off and the band started.

So.....When I clicked on the link and heard that song.. I was giddy like a school girl HA HA....

thanks you very much for the suggestion


tommidt-Funny thing About Leverage.

I was at this past year Prog Power and during the bands set changes they play some prog raido station, and they came on and I loved the song and had no idea who was playing, but before they got to the end of the song and would announce the name of who was singing it, they turned it off and the band started.

So.....When I clicked on the link and heard that song.. I was giddy like a school girl HA HA....

thanks you very much for the suggestion



I'll leave a link you might like, excelent prog metal, made in colombia:headbang:

Click HERE and you'll find some links for rapidshare, and some videos too:saint:

sigma: opened the show for Symphony X when they came to colombia

Tom Abella: opened the show for Dream Theater The 1st time they came here

Hidden Path: This band just won the price of best progressive metal band in colombia, and Daniel Realpe(guitar) won the best guitarist price too, they also opened the show for DT when they came this year.

Shadow Gallery's Room V album is one of the best prog metal concept albums of all time. Definitely give it a go.

In related news, Mike Baker, lead singer for Shadow Gallery died of a Heart attack last week. He was one of my favourite singers, and this is a true loss for the metal community. R.I.P.
I find that internet radio stations are the best way to check out and discover new bands to enjoy.

This is true, or else I wouldn't be here right now. :D

I'm listening to Ravenheart right now. Very amazing vocals and catchy choruses. "Valley of the Damned" is an awesome song and album!

Check out Brother Firetribe too, as tommidt mentioned Leverage which have great vocals and the same singer. Very nostalgic 80's type AORish Metal. The soap-opera-like lyrics may be a turn off but just pretend it's the 80s, grab the hairspray and rock on. *poofies up hair and puts on bandana*

Keldian is awesome too. "Sundancer" is probably their most powerish, followed very closely by "The Last Frontier". Damn good stuff. :kickass::hotjump:
Shadow Gallery's Room V album is one of the best prog metal concept albums of all time. Definitely give it a go.

In related news, Mike Baker, lead singer for Shadow Gallery died of a Heart attack last week. He was one of my favourite singers, and this is a true loss for the metal community. R.I.P.

That will tear me up for years... Such a voice the man had... :( *sniffle*