New music video from my band


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
A while ago I posted asking for help to raise funds to make a music video for my band "Quarter the Villain". We met our minimum budget goals, unfortunately everyone we needed to work on the video couldn't get together before August. So, using a skeleton crew of good friends, we made another video last weekend. We're still going to make the video we intended to after tour, but we wanted another promotional tool before we hit the road. For your approval (or disapproval) I submit to you "Frontier Justice".

*Available in 1080p for high quality lens flares.

**Warning, may not be considered actual music.
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I thoroughly enjoyed that. You seem to have interesting stuff coming from all instruments, and the vocalist is excellent.

The video looks very professional and highlights your stage presence particularly well. I hope to hear more of this soon.
Thank you very much! We always try to write something weird and difficult to play, which can be very hit or miss. Fun Fact: when we recorded the song we didn't have a bass player in the band, so mustache guitarist (Jason) played the parts. Then when Miles joined we told him to rewrite the parts as he saw fit, so what you hear playing and what you see usually aren't the same thing. I'd like to go in a re-record the bass parts now, but we've got other things on our plates. Our singer, Dennis, really is about that active live, though the rest of us played it up a little for the video.

The same guy who directed our first video shot this one and is going to shoot the next. He's in charge of one of the film classes at Full Sail and also happens to be Jason's best friend from high school, so we're very lucky to have access to everything. I think the cameras used were a Canon 5D and a Sony EX-1. He also edited the entire thing in two days. Dude's a badass.

If you want our Regicide EP you can check out our website, and there will be a link for a free download. Thanks again for watching and listening.
