new Narnia album: Course of a Generation


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Found one for the Christian metal fans :rock:

I just bought Narnia's new CD last weekend. HOLY COW! The first two songs on the album are worth the price of admission alone. I *really* like the new vocalist and the overall updated feel of the sound. Definitely worth checking out:

Sail Around The World on their myspace page:

When The Stars Are Falling:

The label is Nightmare Records right here in my hometown and you can purchase it through them:

WOW!!! Soooo glad I bought this album on name alone!
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I think the new album from narnia, sounds a bit heavier then earlier albums,
it feels a bit more compact and more worked out thoroughly.

They are a great live band too!
I have some of their songs, how is this new album compaired to their other stuff?

I only have one of their older albums, so I can't make much of a qualitative comparison. But stylistically, the new one has lower vocals, heavier music, and a more aggressive feel. I'd call it a major departure from their previous sound. More proggy, too, I think. There are some parts that definitely have me thinking of Circus Maximus and Pagan's Mind.
I really like the new Narnia cd - definitely quite a bit different from their past albums - sounds alot like 'Cloudscape' to me at times. The new singer has more character to his voice in my opinion than the original singer.

Whilst it's a very good album - it's nowhere near as good as Theocracy though.. :)
It's a good album... but to tell you the truth I think the other singer was better. The style has changed quite a bit. Listen to the vocals in "the countdown has begun" and it shares similarities to Theocracy, but in the course of a generation it sort of went another way, while the music is a bit harder now, which i like. It's not quite a win win, its more of a win lose. Overall the album is pretty good though, but the change of the vocalist was not so pleasing to me.