new NEGURA BUNGET stuff ..


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
"Zirnidu-Sa", "Sala Molska" and "From Transilvanian Forest" reprinted in a special 3CD-BOX including an exclusive Negura Bunget Poster, it's a VERY limited release in the Aural Music webstore

also 'n crugu bradului has been reprinted in a jewel case ... but you still get the leaf :cool:

just sent the updated files to Emi for the site ... so check this a little later or tomorrow.
Probably going to have to get that, even though I'm already $35 in the hole for that stuff. :waah: Damn lost mail. :bah:
N Crugu Bradului is a cool album (thumbs up to RC). Been looking forward to a jewel version coming.. (I'm very anti-digipak)
N Crugu Bradului is a cool album (thumbs up to RC). Been looking forward to a jewel version coming.. (I'm very anti-digipak)
You obviously have not seen this handmade digipack ...

It's spooky. He's like a walking Palantir that occasionaly drives a MINI and knows how to fold t-shirts quickly.... *trembles*
Ok .. who is Palintir? :)
You know it took me about 2 years to find out back when I came to the US in the '80's who lurch was ... all my friends in school were calling me this ... and I never seen the Adams family.

But that qoute above sounds like a signature change ... lol

BTW: the store is now online with the new items.
Palantìri, the seeing stones of Middle Earth in Lord of the Rings. :kickass:

The 'N Crugu Bradului packaging makes the complete package of that album, it's probably the best album artwork and design I've ever seen.
ok palantiri ... will have to rewatch those movies and look for those stones .. lol

and yes ... the NB 'n crugu packaging is the bomb ... again ... that packaging has got me laid.

can any other band make those claims re: their packaging?
Got that box , 25 $ , so cheap . NCB digipack is still on the preorder section though
UPDATE: Code 666 Webstore emailed me. There was a mislabeling of the box set. It actually contains-

...Zirnidu-Sa and Sala Molksa/From Transylvanian Forest (in a single cd) as written, but also Maiastru Sfetnic.
Ah dammit, I already have that one! Oh well I guess I can save my used kvlt version for the shelf.