New Nerve Damage(My Band) Demo on

Hey Buddy,

Myself and a friend are checking out Proven as we speak, pretty good sound. Like the riff, and your vocals are pretty good. Kinda has a Propain, Slipknot sound.

Wow, like the beginning of Drive, my friend Cory here says it has a Candirira sound. Good and Heavy, and we both agree this is a better song than Proven(I like Proven but this is a better song) :rock:

Were checking out Believe now, like the rapping, ofcourse you know that. The singing not bad at all, lyrics are pretty good. The intense part of the vocals are great, as previously mentioned by another thraxer, the delivery is good.

Falling out of line: hmmmmmm, not sure about the beginning but I do like the riff. Cory is digging this song, and once again the rapping style on the verses kick ass in my opinion.

Cory B says that overall that only song he didn't care for was Falling out of line as much. I think that all the song are solid, certainly Drive is my favorite song of the demo.

But that's just one fellows opinion as I've said many times before. Good to see some good talent out there.

