New NI ampsim: RAMMFIRE (release September 1st)

Sounds pretty good to me. Although...

After meticulous work together with our developers at his personal studio, Richard Z. Kruspe was so impressed with the end result that he often uses it to record demos at home. Enjoying the quick and easy interface, Richard also brings his slick RAMMFIRE setup on tour, using it to warm up back-stage before gigs.

Doesn't this really just translate as... he kinda likes it.. but wont use it for his live rig.
yeah...pretty much. there's even a video of that same guy using just that amp for his demos. they just changed the faceplate and added the RAMMSTAIN part to it...or however you spell it.

They probably did a bit more to it than that. Likely they changed the tone-stack of the UBER model, and called it a new amp.
Sounds pretty good to me. Although...

Doesn't this really just translate as... he kinda likes it.. but wont use it for his live rig.

That is the lamest endorsement for a product I think I have ever read.

Especially for being a custom job and meticulously designed??? Just to use it at home for demos and to warm up backstage?? These days I know guys that use an iPhone for that :D
the NI stuff is targeted a bit differently, I think the whole guitar rig package is tailored towards game music designers, or pop producers who want a small layer of guitars.

Hell, the guitars on Pendulum's In Silico are amplitube.

I dig the hell out of guitar rig because of it's sonic possibilities for a vast array of productions, it beats the living hell out of podfarm when it comes to mellower stuff.

For straight up metal i've got... amps.. and mic's... y'know.. that kind of stuff.

Yeah, so give it a break guys ;)