New NI ampsim: RAMMFIRE (release September 1st)

the NI stuff is targeted a bit differently, I think the whole guitar rig package is tailored towards game music designers, or pop producers who want a small layer of guitars.

Hell, the guitars on Pendulum's In Silico are amplitube.

I dig the hell out of guitar rig because of it's sonic possibilities for a vast array of productions, it beats the living hell out of podfarm when it comes to mellower stuff.

For straight up metal i've got... amps.. and mic's... y'know.. that kind of stuff.

Yeah, so give it a break guys ;)

Hey... I saw you recommending Arturia synths... you can't say anything on this. :loco:
I actually totally dig the sound of this. It's great for the type of sounds they've used it for in the demos, and by far the best high gain sounds I've heard from NI to date.
can someone hit me with a link for the demo? I feel dumb as hell but I've been looking on the site and I'm sure it's probably too obvious, but I didn't see it in the demo section or when i clicked on the amps details. thx in advance.
imho this sounds very interesting!

i've always wanted to have a DECENT rectifier ampsim, since most of the ones around right now just suck at it or just don't model it at all....the pod farm diamondplate is OK but nowhere near the real deal imho.
we have great freeware ampsims e.g. for the engl sound - onqels tse 30x is awesome, and pretty close imho - but how come nobody has started to do a GOOD 5150 and rectifier??

i dl'ed the manual and they actually included some nice ideas. they modeled every channel of the recto, so you get to choose between vintage and modern, PLUS the cabinet section allows you to blend 2 different mics, one bright one smooth - sounds like a built in fredman technique to me.
i'll check out the demo, but tbh i don't have high hopes that it's done 50 euro, you can't expect too much R&D work i guess.
It is included in the GR 4.1 demo :)

Cool stuff, THANKS for the tip! I'll check this out when I get off of work. For some reason, I was thinking this was a standalone demo, but I guess that makes sense.:err:
but how come nobody has started to do a GOOD 5150 and rectifier??.

Onqel and LePou have both started developing their respective 5150 and Recto sims - Onqel the X50 and LePou the LeCto. But because they are super-fussy high standards types and because we are super-anal tone snobs they haven't been released yet, and probably won't be until they kick huge chunks of arse. :headbang:
Alright so I demo'ed this , and with impulses it sounds pretty good . seems to have a lot more sustain than any other amp sim I've used. Vintage mode is where its at. Modern sounds very strange and his sig. channel is way to bassy.Has some very cool clean tone presets. If anything it's fun to jam on, shitloads of distortion .