New NI ampsim: RAMMFIRE (release September 1st)

I demoed it today with my bassist, and he bought it (so he can write songs on guitar at home.) I was impressed, I think it's by far one of the best high gain amp sims, particularly for cross-platform, works well with its own cab or with IRs, etc. It's also very close to a Dual Rectifier sound, although it has a bit more of a solid state vibe to my ears.

It really completes the picture for Guitar Rig and puts it on more even footing with Pod Farm and Amplitube. It's also 10x better than Metal Amp Room and costs less.
I did a demo of it late last night and there's a major thumbs up from me. Buying today...

Edit: Hmmmm, its fun to play live on, but it sounds a bit odd in the mix. I'm gonna play with the demo a bit more.

So, guys who bought it. Feel like sharing some clips?
Is it better than LeCto?