New Nightwish clip anyone?

Actually my comment was more tongue in cheek and wasn't meant to be taken that seriously. Maybe a smile of some kind would have helped. Although I will admit that I am no fan of the current Nightwish style and singer in particular.

Anyone who took that comment seriously needs a staple gun to the face. Couldn't have been any more sarcastic if you gave it the /s tag.
I just really started to dislike Annette's vocals, especially after seeing her live. It didn't help that last time I saw them, she wore an outfit that looked like newspaper pages wrapped around her. :lol:
Yea, that had to be one of the biggest stage fashion faux pas's ever. And on the stage at the Nokia in Times Square no less. As for her vocals, I've seen her at least five times and she's hit or miss. A couple of nights she was dead on, one night good for some, not for others and a couple of other shows she just missed all over the place. That said, I loved the last album.
I guess I should probably rephrase myself. I dig the music. Most of it, anyhow. I think there's some real good songwriting in the last album. The Poet and the Pendulum is awesome. The Islander is one of the best songs (if not the best) Nightwish has ever written. I just really started to dislike Annette's vocals, especially after seeing her live. It didn't help that last time I saw them, she wore an outfit that looked like newspaper pages wrapped around her. :lol:

This is pretty much my opinion on current Nightwish as well. I'll probably continue to get their albums, but I just don't like her vocals.
Mostly that I found it funny, and I honestly couldn't see anyone actually taking it seriously, (Except maybe Milton. :D ). You know I wouldn't have said that if I thought anyone thought he was serious. ;) ... I endured enough of those statements with elvenking for 10 years. :lol: ... "MAKE HEATHENREEL PART 2."
So what I'm getting from some of you is that she's something akin to a female Roy Khan (only without the crazy flakiness)?

Personally, when I saw them with her, I felt really let down. She didn't have the power to deliver on their older material. And since that's really the reason I was there...
I saw them live twice with her, and she was quite pleasant both times, and her vocals were fine both times. A bit weak for NW's music, IMO, but she was pleasant enough and hit all the notes, so I was reasonably satisfied. I probably won't see NW live again, however. And unless Imaginarium is a piece of genius, I probably won't bother purchasing the album. After DPP (which does have some songs I enjoy on it) I believe I am done with this band.
I'm not sure how one can make a sound judgment from that clip... it's a remixed version of a typical-sounding Nightwish choir part. Ehh.

I liked Anette live, though she was struggling with an illness, but I don't feel the need to see them again. And while I liked DPP quite a bit, I'm really skeptical about the new one because of the plotline - it feels like Tuomas is rehashing the same themes from nearly every other album. But I'll definitely give it a chance.
Mind you people, we don't know a jack about the contents of the Imaginarium CD yet, except that tiny clip from a chorus used in the DJ-mixed KiPa team's entrance song - and that it will not be a concept album. Nothing about the lyrics or music has been released and Tuomas has bee very quiet about the CD even he said it was all finished and complete over amonth ago.

All public talk by Tuomas and Stobe Harju has been about the movie which is a separate feature film project of director Stobe Harju and the Finnish movie company Solar Films Inc. The storyline was originally brainstormed by Tuomas and Stobe together and it's based on the songs of the Imaginarium CD, but then Stobe got the reigns and it was him who wrote the final manuscript and draw all visualizations as nearly a thousand storyboard images to guide the CGI team's work and the shooting of the live actors' parts. Yet, the songs will be (partially) re-arranged by Petri Alanko to fit in the movie, so the movie score will not be the CD 1:1. So, in fact the movie will be a Stobe Harju -movie based on the Nightwish - Imaginarium album.

Btw. Anette like many of us Scandinavians had some serious problems with her voice during the North American legs due the ever present air conditioning on the long bus rides and hotels. Overused AC is also one of the reasons why Tarja refused to ride on the tourbus because she has even more tender throat. The constant jumping between hot and cold air will easily kill anyone's voice, especially when not accustomed to sudden changes. Happened to me too some aions ago, when I got to drive first time a car with an AC and of course turned it on max. Lost my voice for three days after a 2 hr ride, LOL.
Are you inferring something?

nailz said:
Mostly that I found it funny, and I honestly couldn't see anyone actually taking it seriously, (Except maybe Milton. :D ). You know I wouldn't have said that if I thought anyone thought he was serious. ;) ... I endured enough of those statements with elvenking for 10 years. :lol: ... "MAKE HEATHENREEL PART 2."

Phew... for a second I thought (for the second time in 2 months) I was going to need a new roomate for ProgPower.. :lol:
I love the last NW album too and Annette's voice compliments the album. Now the only thing I hate is her little "dance move" in the videos! :D

I hated Nightwish until the last album. I heard it when my *mother* bought it and had it playing in her sewing room during a visit, oddly enough, and started jamming to Cadence of Her Last Breath. I'm looking forward to more.
I love the last NW album too and Annette's voice compliments the album. Now the only thing I hate is her little "dance move" in the videos! :D

Matt: First of all, this isn't really about your statement, it's prompted by a lot of what I hear.

I'm sure this is more tongue in cheek and not meant to be taken seriously, but I know some people actually get down on people on stage for far less things, and between this and "I don't feel the need to see them live again." Really kind of pisses me off.

All I ever hear from this board, and from Metal Fans of the USA in general is "METAL IS IN CARDIAC ARREST IN THE USA, but I wouldn't bother giving it CPR if I crossed paths with it on the street." It's like the people and the bands who put all of this time, energy, and money into touring dead market after dead market in the USA when they could be playing to 1000+ people a night in Europe to try and kickstart something here are doing it for no reason. The "TRUE METAL HEADS" don't go see a band more than once, because "I've seen it." but then yell and scream because other bands they like skip over their towns. Guess what ladies and gentlemen, if you don't give a fuck about your local scene, the global scene isn't going to 1/2 a fuck about your area.

I understand times are tough, and some of you really can't afford to continue going to shows, but for the most part, I believe problem with the overwhelming majority of every community, not just this board, is utter laziness and indifference.

And yes, I get that maybe a band's live show might not be your thing, and that's fine. I don't expect you to buy a ticket and subject yourself to literally hours of something you do not enjoy, but I know of people who really enjoy a band live and won't go see them twice for $10.

I go to a lot of local shows, and a lot of metal shows. I travel quite a bit for a lot of them as well (Phoenix is huge.) and I very rarely see the same person at a show twice, and a lot of times, I'll see a poster on the wall and I'll say "Holy Shit, this show is in two weeks and I had no idea! Are you guys coming?" - "Nah, I think I'll probably skip it." Is almost every response I get.

I like live shows more than I like Studio Productions, and it kills me to see bands like Primal Fear and Redemption play to crowds of 30-50. I will be the first to admit some of that falls on the hands of the promoters in my area. They do an awesome job bringing the shows, but not so great in promotional areas. But the apathy exhibited by metal fans on live shows is also a big part of it.
Mind you people, we don't know a jack about the contents of the Imaginarium CD yet, except that tiny clip from a chorus used in the DJ-mixed KiPa team's entrance song - and that it will not be a concept album. Nothing about the lyrics or music has been released and Tuomas has bee very quiet about the CD even he said it was all finished and complete over amonth ago.

All public talk by Tuomas and Stobe Harju has been about the movie which is a separate feature film project of director Stobe Harju and the Finnish movie company Solar Films Inc. The storyline was originally brainstormed by Tuomas and Stobe together and it's based on the songs of the Imaginarium CD, but then Stobe got the reigns and it was him who wrote the final manuscript and draw all visualizations as nearly a thousand storyboard images to guide the CGI team's work and the shooting of the live actors' parts. Yet, the songs will be (partially) re-arranged by Petri Alanko to fit in the movie, so the movie score will not be the CD 1:1. So, in fact the movie will be a Stobe Harju -movie based on the Nightwish - Imaginarium album.

Btw. Anette like many of us Scandinavians had some serious problems with her voice during the North American legs due the ever present air conditioning on the long bus rides and hotels. Overused AC is also one of the reasons why Tarja refused to ride on the tourbus because she has even more tender throat. The constant jumping between hot and cold air will easily kill anyone's voice, especially when not accustomed to sudden changes. Happened to me too some aions ago, when I got to drive first time a car with an AC and of course turned it on max. Lost my voice for three days after a 2 hr ride, LOL.

Jesus, not even a publicist damage controls this hard. What are you? The Nightwish equivalent to Flight Of The Concords' superfan?