New Nile album - In Their Darkened Shrines


New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2002
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I just had the chance to listen to the new Nile album, In Their Darkened Shrines.
It is far beyond Kick Ass !!!
It's kind of like a mixture of Among The Catacoms (Brutality Speed)& Black Seeds (Atosphere Structure)...but with more evil atmosphere/vibe.
The new drummer is AMAZING!
Being a major Nile fan, I can say that this is their best album.
Can't wait to see the whole package with the Artwork/Lyrics.
59 minutes of top notch death/grind.
Yeah, Tony was in Angel Corpse, b4 that he was in a band called Achelon...he was even the drum tech for Canible Corpse...and he was the studio drummer for God Dethrone's Ravenous album...
I heard the first half of the 12 min song on the album. The first thing I noticed was the drumming was A FUCK OF A LOT BETTER! Damn, Laureno rules! Plus the production is a lot better than the first two albums. 59 mins worth of Nile. Damn, that's going to be a fucking bargain. :)
Originally posted by Nephren-Ka
I just had the chance to listen to the new Nile album, In Their Darkened Shrines.
It is far beyond Kick Ass !!!
It's kind of like a mixture of Among The Catacoms (Brutality Speed)& Black Seeds (Atosphere Structure)...but with more evil atmosphere/vibe.
The new drummer is AMAZING!
Being a major Nile fan, I can say that this is their best album.
Can't wait to see the whole package with the Artwork/Lyrics.
59 minutes of top notch death/grind.

do u have some mp3's or a url where i can download some new nile stuff!!?
ThomasKvick :
I have no URL for the new Nile mp3's, but I can tell ya where I downloaded them from.
I used mirc.
I found them at DALnet in the #Darkling_mp3 (a dude called kehoe has them) channel & I also found then at Undernet in the #Deathmp3 channel as well (a dude called chaosweed has them there)...easy to download from those channels...
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Nile/ Arch Enemy tomorrow night. Bow down.

in about a week an a half i get to see arch enemy for the second and third time this year, same for nile, and i get to see hate eternal for the 1st and 2nd time this year. bow down. thats if i dont drive to albequerque this weekend to see the show to make that 4 times.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Angelwitch73: When is the new Chasm album coming out? Any official release date?

Tentative "date" is in Oktober / Novembre... If you want to keep up to date with the news you might want to join the newsletter. I have all Witches Brew news run through there...