Apr 14, 2010
Like to get your guys' opinion on the new NILE album, song- and production-wise.

From what I`ve heard so far, songwise, this album could become the best in quite some time, I want to say since Annihilation Of The Wicked. However production wise it`s not up to par with the songs. the drums are too low in the mix for my taste. The guitars have always dominated and sound good but no mix sounded better and more aggressive to me than Annihilation Of The Wicked. Cast Down The Heretic is the most crushing NILE song IMO and I would have loved for them to get back to that sound at least.

What do you guys think?

Here are a few comments from Karl and Dallas:
The first single sounded pretty okay, and I hated the second one. I'm not sure I get the hype on this release, but maybe when I hear the whole thing I'll change my mind. In Their Darkened Shrines was the album that got me into "real" metal, and it's tied with Annihilation for my favorite of theirs. Everything since Ithyphallic has been kinda shitty imo- just really boring songwriting.
I'm still more of a fan of Amongst the Catacombs/ Black Seeds of Vengeance era Nile. Those two albums really got me into death metal and I felt like the songs were just arranged in a way that grabbed me more.

I'll def give the new stuff a listen but those two albums are the only ones I really go back to with any regularity.