New North American Tour

I don't believe it's confirmed yet, but looks to be legit and as solid as mine was this morning though, as for dates I believe that's about it, it's king of a tour they did back in fall of 2006, half tour I would call it, I"m sure they'll be back for a fully blown one in 2009, I'm not even sure the album will be out yet in states, typically states is behind europ with release dates, perhaps it'll be the other way around this time due to tour order reversal, states then europe followed by south western prussia

Is any of this confirmed yet? Are there more dates to be added?
Oct. 18- Worcester, MA

Fuck yes! The Palladium is a bit of a pain to get to, but it's on a Saturday, so I'll just have to get out there to see them. Never seen them live before.

I'll meet you in the front row. You're in for a treat.

Good pick for support. Way better than Sonic fucking Syndicate.
Even if this isnt confirmed yet, Why the fuck are youns complaining because there not playing in your city? If youns are so desperate to see them fuckin travel and dont complain about it. At least there playing in your country (if its ture)
i think your right... i talked to the singer of Tyr for a bit at Pagan Fest. He noticed my AA shirt and said they might be coming back to the States in the fall to tour with them.

Adding Ensiferum to the bill would truly be a cherry on top...:)
i think your right... i talked to the singer of Tyr for a bit at Pagan Fest. He noticed my AA shirt and said they might be coming back to the States in the fall to tour with them.

Adding Ensiferum to the bill would truly be a cherry on top...:)

WOW. If that is true, there is no way my parents can prevent me from going. My 2 favorite bands!!!
I wouldn't doubt it, Tyr and AA have done quite a few shows together in Europe, and Pagan Fest went pretty well for Tyr, that would be pretty awesome if true.

That would be awesome...
As long as there's a full set from AA, it's fine.
No southeast?

Come on guys last year in Atlanta we were going crazy for you guys

I love the Absence too.......and if Ensiferum comes too my head will explode since Paganfest was the best day of my life

I hope more dates are added...ATLANTA, GEORGIA!!!!
Lineup for Portland show (from

Amon Amarth
The Absence

Fucking Awesome :kickass: