New OHs can't decide!!!


New Metal Member
Jun 3, 2008
hey everyone I'm looking into some new OH mics.

Currently I've been using a pair of rode nt-1 I know some people hate these, I don't mind them and I do really like them on vocals sometimes but I'm just not totally pleased with them and want to try something else.

What I originally planned on doing was getting a pair of SM7's because i want to get an SM7 for vocals and guitar anyways.

But then I had to go and start looking and found a whole bunch of other options.

I'm recording hardcore, maybe some metal too, just as an fyi

the other options I've looked at are:

Oktavia MC/MK 012's or maybe the 319's
AT 4040, 4050, 2020, atm450 (so lost here)
Rode NT5's
Avenson or earthworks but I don't think these would be so great for this style?

I'm really looking at the oktavia's as my primary choice, the main benefit being that they are cheap and I could potentially get two pairs and use them for undermicing the cymbals, what do you guys think of this idea?

As for the audio technica stuff I just don't even know where to begin, the 2020s seem too cheap but at the same time people seem to rave about them, the 4050s are probably too expensive for me but at the same time if they are going to blow everything away I'll spend the money.

I know when asking these questions the answer is generally spend more its worth it, but keep in mind that money saved here will all be going towards decent preamps (running a firepod right now).
alright thats one vote for the nt5's a serious contender for sure. anyone else want to weigh in, I'm really curious what people are thinking about close micing all the cymbals, I haven't done this before...
What about the Audio Technica Pro 37R? They are cheap and I love them. Bought a couple of them used on ebay and they are great!
would you recommend the 319's over the 012s?

also I was give the suggestion of the Red5 Audio RV8 saying that sounds like the akg 414 but well its not very expensive does anyone have experience with it?
You might want to consider Crown CM 700s also. They can handle up to 151 dB SPL, so they can be used for recording guitars too. Used a pair this weekend for recording drums and was pleased with them. I haven't tried any of the above mics, so I can't really say anything about how they compare tho'. There's a few places that have them on sale as singles, but they are also available as matched pairs. You might want to look around for a lower price on the pairs tho. I just stumbled upon this one.

Here's a Review.