New (old) Game; As Requested.

You will \o/ ! but you'll be too Drunk to remember ! :D

I wish i dated Sandra Bullock!
You do, but you pirated it and you feel bad so you delete it for no right-minded reason whatsoever.

I want a llama that shoots ice-cream out of it's nipples.
Granted. However it tastes like Llama spit 3: sad day

I wish I could cast frostbolts like mages in WoW.
Granted, but you've suddenly developed a strong attraction to electrical outlets along with an allergic reaction to pants of all known material.

I wish this wish would never be granted.
It Is Granted, but you are outcast by all humans as a mutant, therfore banished off the planet!

I wish i had an extra tap in my kitchen for 'Wild Turkey'... Free of Charge! :D
Granted, but you must read and enjoy all of my rambling posts about soccer cheese-whiz and other nonsensical irritants.

I wish to know if I was once Benjamin Franklin and am a reincarnation of him. :)