New (old) metal albumz


Miguel Suerte

Hope this ain't too off topic, but there is some good stuff about to come out and good stuff that already has come out.

Got the advance copy of Obituary's "Frozen in Time" which has been available since early July. It's a pretty good album especially since the band hasn't done much worth note in past 11 years.

Glad to hear a new Sadus album is in the works. I still remember when I got "Swallowed in Black" when it came out, hopefully I'll be that pysched when the new one comes out.

The new Nuclear Assault album "Third World Genocide" is pretty good although it starts off pretty slow. You can buy that now. I guess there is also a new Exodus album "Shovel Headed Kill Machine" coming out on Oct. 4 as well as a new Destruction album "Inventor of Evil" around October 18 or 19. Hopefully the last two are those "best of" CDs that companies have a habit of putting out. I don't think the Exodus album is since Nuclear Blast doesn't usually put that stuff out. Mark your calendars.
Fuck YES, Annihilator! Can't wait to hear the new stuff from Jeff Waters. He actually lives here now (in Ottawa, canada). As for Thrash, Im rediscovering Voivod a lot these days. Gotta love the Quebecer spirit hehe