New old track.


Mar 17, 2007
Örebro, Sweden
Yo! So I plan on using this old track for a project in the course I'm studying at the moment. I think I posted the original track like over a year ago or something :) I'm gonna have to write vocals fo it too which will be quite a challenge since I've never done that before. It would be cool if anyone would want to give it a go.. It's meant to be mostly clean vocals, maybe something more brutal on the chuggier parts :)

Well here it is, it's one of the more "traditional" songs or whatever: resurrected-4.mp3 resurrected(5150).mp3

RevmkIII for getardz. Same settings as the last song I posted but different guitar.

Same drum samples as usual :)

Bass is still the ghetto style pitch shifted guitar. I have to get a real bass.
dude, those downward slides on the bass kill!
This would sound totally rad with clean vocals..
imo, If i had to nitpick, i'd say id like a little more beef on the snare sample, it seems to lack a certain punch but not overly..
Great song though..
Thanks for the replies guys! :)

Keregioz: Yeah I get what you mean hehe.. Maybe there will be only clean vocals :)

colynomial: Haha dude, sorry about that :p

kramer1309: Hehe, glad you dig it.. There's a fairly large amount of those slides in there indeed. Maybe too many? Yeah I agree about the snare, it's too much popcorn..

I updated with another link where I used my REAL 5150 with impulses, and a different snare :) I also changed the compression on the kick since I didn't think it was very pleasant o listen to..
@ Behindert:
Is snare from your own samples? Which one of those? It has a very nice crack.
giubis: The snare on the Revalver version is the "dry"-samples mixed with the "smack" samples :) The one on the 5150-version is the dry-samples mixed with some yamaha samples, but I don't think they're in the .rar.. maybe I'll add them :) I think the compression is quite responsible for the crack sensation :)

iHate: Haha.. yeah who needs a bass anyway? But seriously I would prefer the real deal hehe.

Well on this recording I used an Ibanez Universe with Dimarzio blaze pickups. The strings we're quite old and the gauge is .10 - .62
The tuning is drop A.. Glad you like it :)

GarethSE: That'd be really cool dude!