Old song, now with real drums! YAY.

Dude, this sound has got some big balls! Great mix, great song!

Did you edit the guitars to get that "nintendo" sound in the fade out or is it just ordinary tapping? If yes, how did you edit them?

Nice job and a very good drummer. I can hear the real snare on the silent ghosts, and get curious about how the drums REALLY sound. With a room like that, I'd try making the real drums shine with EQ instead of samples. But that's me. ;)
Erkan: Tack som fan! Hur går det för dig med ditt projekt? Jag kommer troligtvis ha tid att lägga lite grejer nu de närmsta dagarna :) There was pretty much editing going on, but nothing was really THAT bad, I just wanted everything really tight :)

Nice! Jag håller på med slaskversionen av sista låten på skivan nu, tänkte göra klart den snart... ska ner på stan till replokalen om ett par timmar :) Kan skicka dig alla slasklåtar så kan du leka lite! Om jag ska vara ärlig bryr jag mig inte SÅ mycket om exakt vad du spelar och vart du spelar. Du är en inspiration och det vore en ära att bara ha med dig nånstans i projektet! =) Men jag vet garanterat att jag vill ha ett rockigt solo i låten som just nu heter "FuckAll" .. mer om det i ett PM senare :)

The drummer plays really well! He seems to go a bit too heavy on the cymbals though but I love how he pounded the drums.

Nice job and a very good drummer. I can hear the real snare on the silent ghosts, and get curious about how the drums REALLY sound. With a room like that, I'd try making the real drums shine with EQ instead of samples. But that's me. ;)

I'm with Jocke here! I think it would also be a lot more rewarding in the end to go for as little sampling as possible and make use of the equipment and available room etc at the university instead. With your skill and perfection, I think you will be able to pull off a well sounding mix with good production even without so much sampling. But it's always the end result that counts anyway so... even if you use a lot of samples, if it sounds good - it sounds good. Worth a thought though!
EETFUK: Thanks! Not quite sure by what you mean by edit, but all of the solo is played, it's just some buckethead tapping thing at the end :)

Thank you sir :) Yeah I get what you mean hehe.. I did use the room mics in the mix though, great sounding room! I will try to make it more "natural" on my next project, and I'll tell the drummer to hit the snare harder, or well.. more rim shots atleast. But I guess maybe it's hard to change a persons playing style just for one day. I'm really glad he wanted to play though, very good drummer overall :)

Erkan: Okej, najs! Haha åh, vilken frihet.. kul som fan :) Tack för de snälla orden, betyder mkt! Får se hur rockig jag kan vara haha.. finns risk för att de bara bli en massa dumheter när jag spelar :p
Very cool song.

Nice pop to the snare, but your kick may be pumping a bit excessively. Guitar tone is the main thing holding the mix back IMO. Nasal and fizzy sounding, and it's eating up the clarity of the mids, and possibly slightly clashing with the mid-bass of your bass guitar. Maybe try a Catharsis impulse and see how that goes (with a sufficient low-cut to compensate). Your kick and bass lock in quite well during the lighter verses, but as soon as the guitar kicks in the clarity of the low-end dies a bit, so maybe consider getting drastic with the low cutting on it. Let the cool bass hold down that low-end!

Very good vibe though, so that's the main thing out of the way.
I love to watch that video! Drummer seems really to enjoy playing this song. And why not? It's an awesome song man! And it even sounds awesome! :D
I like that song. Behindert, I'm your fan. I have a special folder with your music. This song is great, too. Fantastic drums.
Mix: Could be clearer, yes. Rest is taste.
Thanx for sharing this tune. :kickass:

Ermz: Yep I agree about the kick.. I actually switched the kick sample and made it less boomy. I'll upload that version later :) And I guess having a real bass would help getting a better bass sound haha :p I'll have to invest in one.

Icony: Ah yeah he's groovin' away haha :)

shogger: Oh, really glad you like my shit! And yes, the mix isn't the clearest hehe..