New Opeth album cover

Bugger that drummer and new guitarist, too. I miss Martin Lopez and his jazz styled drumming. When the old members left, Opeth stopped being Opeth and became Mikaels hard-on prog fanboy experiment.

Did you even hear the song he made for the God of War game? Awful. Ghost Reveries was decent but that was only because the keyboard added a dreary atmosphere.

Lopez actually said after recording Ghost Reveries that this one topped his personal favorite which was Still Life. It seemed real to me watching that interview that he wasn't just saying that to promote the album. I could be wrong though. Lopez was a permanent member when they were recording Ghost Reveries (when they decided to get all progtastic)but it was the following 3-4 months on the Sounds of the Underground tour where his blood clot disorder was really starting to become a problem and a few months later he left because it didn't look like his future was too bright. Peter Lindgren stayed in the band for a couple years afterward as well, but it could be that his heart wasn't in it anymore (when he left in late 07)because they were turning more 70s prog styled which supports what you said.

That God of War track sucked though, I agree.

As for Watershed, I don't know if it's Mikael being all pretentious, but I can understand if you're in his position you still gotta keep making music and I guess in his opinion it was good enough to be released.
Damnation is my favorite because his vocals suited the music perfectly. His voice is beautiful, but as a singer he's nothing. I'm not saying he should demonstrate amazing range and vibrato like Warrel, but he simply doesn't have the right voice to carry an entire metal album with cleans alone.

Though I doubt this will be metal at all. I hate Watershed with a passion, and I fear this will follow suit. Aimless songs that go no where because the man is starting to think he's some kind of prophet of art.

Bugger that drummer and new guitarist, too. I miss Martin Lopez and his jazz styled drumming. When the old members left, Opeth stopped being Opeth and became Mikaels hard-on prog fanboy experiment.

Did you even hear the song he made for the God of War game? Awful. Ghost Reveries was decent but that was only because the keyboard added a dreary atmosphere.

Funny you should say that, as Lindgren hadn't really contributed ANYTHING to Opeth in years and years (Supposedly aside from a solo here and there). I'm not saying I like Akesson more than Lindgren, I'm just saying that to blame the stylistic changes on him leaving is kind of invalid... And I also liked Lopez as a drummer way more, but Axenrot is amazing in his own way... And while Watershed wasn't my favorite Opeth album by far, I do not find myself disliking it as much as you, haha.. I still REALLY enjoy it.. I mean, tracks like Hessian Peel, Heir Apparent (One of their heaviest songs to date), and The Lotus Eater are pretty amazing...

I just read up way more about the new album.. It's supposedly going to be like nothing they've ever done before, but Akerfeldt DID state that there was a lot of heavy darker moments on the album as well...

And I must disagree again.. I liked Throat of Winter quite a bit.. Very different but that doesn't mean it' bad, haha... I think the guitar work on the track is especially unique... Especially coupled with the percussion later in the track, had a very Spanish Flamenco feel to me...

I'm not saying you have to agree with me, or even trying to persuade you in any way... Just giving you my thoughts, haha...

And the subject in which I must disagree with you wholly, is that he isn't a good enough singer to carry a metal album on cleans alone... Tracks like the first half of Hessian Peel, The first few minutes of Harlequin Forest, and A Fair Judgment, are good examples for me.. (And I mean, if those parts of the songs I mentioned were JUST by themselves, or part of a larger-whole with just cleans, I'd enjoy them, I'm sure...)

Guess we'll see come September... Honestly, I'm really excited to see what happens here... A bit troubled in some ways, as this seems to be a radical departure, and sometimes this can lead to me not liking the newer works, but I'm more excited than anything else... I'm never one for saying a band is "selling out" or writing off a band just because they try something new... I don't have to like it, I go into it fully aware of this fact... However, I ALSO go into it with a fully open mind... I'm not "expecting" it to be shit, or just because it's going to be different, it's them "selling out" or anything like that... As with an earlier thread, I forgot who posted this amazing line, but to paraphrase them (I don't recall the exact quote...), "A band who ceases to change, will cease to exist."

Something along those lines... Not that every change should be massive, or genre-defying... But I believe as musicians, artists, and just a PERSON in general, one should grow... And times have a way of changing a man...
I think Mikael's singing voice has improved by leaps and bounds over the past decade, and to be honest I think it's as good if not better than his growl at this point. He's been losing clarity and definition in his growls for a while, but his singing voice has been getting a lot more powerful and soulful since BWP.
The review I read said no growls and it's all Sabbathy and Floydy. I think I'll like it a lot. But it's not what I would expect. Which is SSsUuuUUuUCccchh a good thing though, nobody takes psycho chances like that anymore.

BUT... "The frontman also said that he’s been tired of 'extreme metal' since the 90s, but could not explain why. At this point in time, as far as Opeth is concerned, the death metal sound is over." I find a bit hard to swallow. Stupid things to say...

And I like Åkesson, he's good and knows how to hold back for the sake of the music. I like that.
Mikael has often given into hyperbole.

Anyone remember back in the Still Life era, when he decided to get all cocky, and proclaim Opeth to be the "greatest band in the world," and that all other bands pale in comparison?

He got a lot of flack for that and eventually apologized, saying that it was a joke, poking fun of the old days of 'band-feuds', and cocky frontmen.

Dude is a sarcastic, ironic, and breathtakingly magnificent bastard, and with both Jens Bogren and Steven Wilson behind the console, I cannot wait for this record.
Yep I'm pretty excited about this shit.

I remember being a kid, and hating bands that changed over time. I only wanted them to stay the same and keep being heavy. Now that's all I want from bands is to keep changing. What a difference 10 years makes.
Mikael has said of himself that he's "pretentious" but I always think he's joking because seeing his live stage banter and all the interviews, he seems like a regular dude just poking fun. When I saw the Chronology show at the Willtern in LA in 2006, he was pretty humble. before he played "The Amen Corner" from my arms your hearse he said "it came to a point that after our first two records that we were tired of our music sounding "da-da daa da da -da daaa- lolly lee lolly lolly"
Pretty much. Damnation is the best album they've ever made and anyone that disagrees....

I won't even say this about my favorite bands, or even Nevermore, but anyone that doesn't think Damnation isn't their best album is seriously lacking in judgement. Sorry to sound conceited, but it's that clear to me. Opeth needs to never make another metal album again.

I'm willing to overlook someone saying Blackwater Park or Still Life being better than Damnation, anything else is folly. The first two albums? You gotta be fucking kidding me.

still life > blackwater park > ghost reveries > my arms your hearse > damnation > deliverance > morningrise > orchid > watershed



Theres no growls in this new one?

Ugh. Arrogant man should know his singing is decent at best. Mikael is getting way too pretentious with this progressive bullshit, just like Borknagar and Enslaved did. And thats coming from someone who loves prog.


it doesn't come as a huge surprise really, his growls have been degressing the last couple of years; just listen to the latest bloodbath dvd and opeth dvd, sounds pretty shitty

Bugger that drummer and new guitarist, too. I miss Martin Lopez and his jazz styled drumming. When the old members left, Opeth stopped being Opeth and became Mikaels hard-on prog fanboy experiment.

jazz? :p
I relistened to the Throat Of Winter track from The God of War's actually not that bad. It is probably the most 70's sounding song Opeth has. and the last 4 seconds sound like Bathory's sound effects