New Periphery video

Just found this video for UK based RSJ - awesome! They're supporting Will Haven in London in November too
The band is perhaps best known for their elaborate sci-fi/horror film inspired costumes, raunchy lyrics, and graphic stage performances.
nicee i think they are pretty great!!

btw i would like to share this new band from my country, they have pretty awesome ideas!! they also use the djent in some parts of the songs, and thats very weird on a band from here, hope you like it! KEEP ON METAL! :devil::devil:

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Hi Guys!
If you want to see a new video feel free to check out ours!

Its just straight up metal, I hope you enjoy it!
Claire xxx
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hey guys!

head on over to my youtube channel to check out my stuff!

When did this thread turn into shameless self-promotion?

I'm not a guru in the field of advertising by no means, but surely posting your stuff where it isn't supposed to be just annoys people.

Periphery are great, very punishing and thumping sound.
I swear to god, this is like my theme song. It seems to play whenever I walk into a room. And I feel awesome.