PERIPHERY Icarus Lives Video Premiere

blablaablablabla bullshit youtube video blablabla

I don't know what's your problem, the performance is allright, you have some unhealthy obsession.

The vocalist fucks up but my little theory is that since the guitars are tuned so low he has a hard time to hear a reference pitch, just my 0.02

Besides, from the industry's perspective they are a very young band, not everybody is born lemmy and has an intense and unique stage presence, most people have to aquire those with time and experience..
No, you didn't make a few negative comments. You proceeded to be a cunt and got called out on it.

I am going to join the ones calling you out by calling you a cunt.

+1 to G.

oh noooooooooooes


For somebody who likes dissing the apparent mindless and trend-following teen crowd, your grammar and professionalism portrays and amounts to an elephant carcass' scrotum.

You sound like a die-hard periphery fan that just got pissed because they got big:p
I made a few negative comments about what I didn't like and expressed my distaste of the band and got jumped on by the teenies..

the problem.. as i said in my last post which you have apparently ignored... is that you stated your opinion as fact , and do it in an inflammatory way. if you'd qualified it as an opinion and restrained your rhetoric a bit, no one would have challenged you.

and i'm not a teenie, but i also didn't jump on you... i just pointed out the problem... the one you seem to want to ignore: your approach.
the problem.. as i said in my last post which you have apparently ignored... is that you stated your opinion as fact , and do it in an inflammatory way. if you'd qualified it as an opinion and restrained your rhetoric a bit, no one would have challenged you.

and i'm not a teenie, but i also didn't jump on you... i just pointed out the problem... the one you seem to want to ignore: your approach.
Ok, I agree with you. It's just that I really don't care about the approach at this point. I have a strong distaste for this band, as i do with Attack Attack. However, these guys will probably be bigger and therefore spawn a whole knew breed of douchebag metal.

Still, even though my approach may have been that of soliciting some backlash, my points however, are still valid and arguable.
^ I think everybody already understood that you dont like the band. Dude, so why keep posting on this topic? Seems a bit retarded.
I think the point here DigiV, is that you are bashing a band with a lot of talent because you think they're killing music.
I'm not exactly innocent of this myself, because I believe shit like Attack Attack is killing music, but you know what the difference between Attack Attack and Periphery is? Attack Attack are edited to the fucking teeth, autotuned out of their minds and writing incoherent music for 12 year olds because they're nothing more than glorified boy band. I don't think anyone here will dispute that, whether people here like it or dislike it is their business, but these are statements of fact (or near-fact if you want to get picky.)
Periphery, WHETHER YOU LIKE THEM OR NOT, are very talented musicians that CAN play the songs they write, CAN sing the vocal melodies that they write, CAN play the drum parts. Whether you like their production, their music, their stage presence (I agree with you here, they're not exactly the most charismatic bunch of people to watch live, but who the fuck cares with chops like theirs?) they are a talented band.

You can say Periphery is killing music all you want, but the way I see it, they could be the next big gateway band for a lot of people. I don't think anyone will dispute that the album is accessible and nearly poppy in its execution, and there's no problem with that, but maybe just consider that it could lead the next generation of Periphery fans to deeper, heavier, more obscure music.
No fucking eurotrance breakdowns here and start stop awful tempo change breakdowns.

I like all the ultra raw, unpolished shit that all the elitist death metal kiddies claim will never be beaten just as much as the next guy. I will usually take old Suffocation and Incantation over the rest, but maybe the kids that dig Periphery will end up getting into old Suffocation as a consequence of liking Periphery.

Fact of the matter is your argument amounts to "I don't like it so therefore it's shit and anyone who disagrees is a teenie."
So please, kindly do everyone a favour and either stop being such an elitist uppity cunt or fuck off. Ideally the latter.
...pigeon hold...


tl;dr youre a cunt

People like DigiV are why I don't hang around SS anymore, and why I'm less and less interested in this place every day. If it weren't for people like James and the other Jeff to smack cunts (dingdingding! One more on the bandwagon!) around like this, it would be completely out of hand.

DigiV, it doesn't appear that you know why you're getting these responses - it's not that you disagree, like you seem to want it to be, it's that you're being a jackass with a sense of entitlement where critical thinking skills should be. You weren't banned at SS for disliking a band, you were banned for pulling the same stunt - look at me, my opinion is better than yours because I can call things 'douchebag metal' and turn around to pretend that my opinion is being suppressed! - and generally being a clueless twat. You're not disliked for not loving Periphery, no matter how much you want to be a victim of trendy groupthink. Your opposition is also not composed of 'teenie' scene kids, like you seem to be pretending, and since you don't seem to have an agreed-upon measure of sterilization, computerization, or 'ridiculous fatness' you need a bit more justification before you pretend that you're putting forth a serious argument. (Of course, another option would be to step away from the forum until you've matured *at all*, but we're not counting on that.)

The video is bizarre, but what's really disturbing is that I got my combo in the mail and the shirt is terrifyingly shiny. I can see myself in it, and I'm far bluer than I should be.

The problem with DiviV's argument is that it really lacks any form of logic.

At least when I was trying to bash Paramore (which, I'm sure everyone who has been around for a while knows I loath that band) I was making points that made sense, such as how fucking annoying the anxt and "woah" shit she puts in her voice is to me.

What kind of fucking cunt idiot would I have to be to say that Paramore's recording is terrible? A pretty big cunt idiot I guess, because that production was solid.

Not once has he made a solid argument other than to call Jeff a kid and have delusions as to how the album was recorded by a computer. Get the fuck out of here idiot, your not fucking welcome. At this point I'm not willing to accept any form of redemption either. Just GTFO.
Just got the cd in the mail yesterday. So far, I've listened to it once, and the instrumental disc about 5 times. :lol: The dude's vocals are OK, but idk, just take some getting used to. I've been listening to BULB's solo stuff for years, and it's hard to finally hear vocals over it. I always envisioned bulb's music having some real low growls over it, so it's a little strange to hear something to the contrary. Overall I like it, but I do favor the instrumental mix myself :)

Oh, and +1,000,000,000+++ to everyone ripping DigiV a new one.
The problem with DiviV's argument is that it really lacks any form of logic.

At least when I was trying to bash Paramore (which, I'm sure everyone who has been around for a while knows I loath that band) I was making points that made sense, such as how fucking annoying the anxt and "woah" shit she puts in her voice is to me..

And me talking about his sterile mechanical tone isn't in the same vain? Or that the singer sounds like he's forcing it?

Misha started with a PODXT then went to an ENGL and threw tons of solid state pedals in front to then turn around and start using an AxeFx all for the same fucking tone he was getting out of the PODXT. haha :goggly:

So, please get fucking real. Just like when someone threw a bottle at that fat fucks head during the Attack Attack show someone should throw bottle at Misha and that crab crouching shmuck.

There are times for serious sit down conversations and dialogue with purpose and other times to stick your big middle finger at something and say FUCK THAT SHIT. For me talking about this shit band is one of those times I don't give a fuck to sit down and convo it out with ya in a "logical" way.

I'm just going to fucking piss on it and laugh. Hit back, I really don't give a fuck.