PERIPHERY Icarus Lives Video Premiere

Really? I'm pretty certain Periphery's recording is exactly that type of recording the article talks about.

Ridiculously fat guitar tone: Check
Abundance of hi hat: Check
Tight as a virgins asshole: Check
Sterile and computerized: Check

I get the sound Periphery is going for but fuck does it come off computerized and dead. There's industrial bands that don't come off as fucking sterile as these guys do so I know it can't be blamed on the specific genre.

i have no "face" to "save", sooo... DigiV, shut the hell up already.

i'm the last person (trust me) that will try to speak for the author of the article you linked.... but if i were to weigh whether or not i thought that his comments were directed more toward bands that can pull it off live vs. bands that can't, i'd pick the latter... and i think this is what Jeff is trying to say.

and i don't mind speaking for jeff, because i think you've gotten him so pissed off that he's not able to form sentences properly... and that's pretty mad because Jeff is normally quite well-spoken.

i'm not a periphery fanboi.... only just heard them to be honest... but i like it... and i don't like most of the "Guitar Pro" bands around these days.... so, if nothing else, understand that your opinion is just that, an opinion.... and no article you can cite will change that.
After another listening, the guitar sound is fucking godly. And I can actually get into the vocals, which says a hell of alot since I normally hate these types of vocalists. Growls/Screams sound very weak though, which kind of kills it for me. I'll try to get a hold of the album. (Legit, that is you filthy torrent-philes)

And I can't believe they actually kept those dumbass songtitles. I can't decide if it's awesome or horrid.
The drums aren't real, guys. They recorded midi using an electronic kit... like Sturgis does, except without real overheads (I think). I think the drums and cymbals are superior 2.0 samples.

and DigiV... Dude, a simple critique is fine. I admitted I'm not a big fan of the vocals or the guitar tone, but you're just harping on shit over and over for no reason. If you haven't noticed by now, nobody cares to hear it...
The drums aren't real, guys. They recorded midi using an electronic kit... like Sturgis does, except without real overheads (I think). I think the drums and cymbals are superior 2.0 samples.

Are you sure??I couldve sworn i saw a studio vid with them tracking live drums....i dont have a link so i could be wrong though..
Wow, I must say i'm pretty unimpressed by that but as long as they can definitely pull it off live.
So much for people being better informed huh?


And Logan i'm not harping on shit. I made a few negative comments about what I didn't like and expressed my distaste of the band and got jumped on by the teenies. Which goes to show what type of fucking crowd this band brings in, fuck that.
I made a few negative comments about what I didn't like and expressed my distaste of the band and got jumped on by the teenies. Which goes to show what type of fucking crowd this band brings in, fuck that.

No, you didn't make a few negative comments. You proceeded to be a cunt and got called out on it.

I am going to join the ones calling you out by calling you a cunt.
Are you sure??I couldve sworn i saw a studio vid with them tracking live drums....i dont have a link so i could be wrong though..

With Travis Orbin...

I'm quite curious about how that midi looks like and how much editing he had to do to it.
I'd love to analyse a raw midi from a real drummer too!

Haven't gotten my cd yet so I haven't heard it aside from what they've uploaded. So much for pre-ordering...
Why can't you just fuck off :lol:

What I've heard from this new album ( I haven't torrented it :Smug: ) It sounds awesome, and you just seem to be starting up flame wars in this thread.

i didn't mean to start a flame war. I expressed a few opinions, albeit a few F bombs thrown in and my overall real hate for the band (just like many people do, check out the blatant rips on Attack Attack) and got "called out" lmao.

Then I'm being told I don't know what i'm talking about cuz they are oh so great musicians and recorded with real drums pfft lmao. I'm also being accused of not seeing them live cuz LIVE THEY ROCK MAN

everything this douchebag band does is forced. Forced handbanging, forced singing, forced jamming in place, hell even a forced semi-crabcore drop.

Soooo great live

:rock: :lol:
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Yeah, because a YouTube video definitely portrays how great a band is live. It's JUST like being there.
I'll say that performance on the singers part was pretty fucking horrible, though...

But seriously dude, I really don't like you, and I hope you leave this forum. You've never contributed a damn thing from what I can tell, and I feel shitty contributing to a resource that douchebags like you can leach off.
Yeah, because a YouTube video definitely portrays how great a band is live. It's JUST like being there.
I'll say that performance on the singers part was pretty fucking horrible, though...

The only thing that suffers is the actual audio quality. You can still tell the drummer is sloppy as fuck, the timing is shit, the guys singing is horrid, and the running in place, crab-core stance, forced and obligated head banging makes them look ridiculous. Honestly, don't they seem to partially head bang out of necessity? I don't get it. I see this a lot from bands like this, as if they have to do that cuz they don't know what else to do? :u-huh:

But seriously dude, I really don't like you, and I hope you leave this forum. You've never contributed a damn thing from what I can tell, and I feel shitty contributing to a resource that douchebags like you can leach off.

Maybe it's you that can't handle being on a forum? Would you act this way if someone was dogging your favorite sports team? It's the nature of forums and the internet in general. People have opinions so there will always be fanbois, haters, people like you that get offended and feel like they should step up and say something, it's the way it is. Don't get all emotionally invested in it bud.
I'm not hearing a sloppy as fuck drummer, shitty timing, or forced headbanging. Whatever dude, have fun with it.

I can't handle being on a forum? I've been here for way longer than your "Jun 2009" ass has been.

I'm not getting offended, I'm getting pissed off because you continually misread and misinterpret in addition to just generally spewing stupid shit left and right.

And for the last FUCKING time, this has nothing to do with you 'dogging' my 'favorite' anything. Are you retarded? Are you seriously that illiterate? I've asked you that before but Jesus man, you really are flat out retarded.

But for fucks sake be rational and present your arguments in a fashion that doesn't piss everyone else off. Look at all the other posts of people getting on your ass about it and tell me I'm wrong on my assessment of your shitty behavior.

And seriously, quit calling me bud. You know what you're doing - cut the demeaning bullshit out.
periph is legit live

this is no where near as real as it is being there,

back to periphry now
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