PERIPHERY Icarus Lives Video Premiere

i like the rained-on window effect, but it shouldn't have lasted the whole damned video.... also, the one guitarist kicking the whole thing off with a crab stance, and sticking with it, is just ridiculous.... their music isn't even like AA at tall.... don't get it, why would he do that and lump his band in with "crab-core" by virtue of such a silly visual cue. anyway, i dig the song and the CD... but the band and/or vid director should have put the brakes on the crab-standing.

and seriously, at some dramatic point early-ish in the vid, the glass should have shattered or something.
I have yet to hear much of the album, as I'm just gonna wait till it comes out and hopefully snag it at a store like in the old days. I've been anticipating it long enough to want a physical copy.

From what I've heard, though, it sounds like classic bulb/periphery overall... which to me does have a sterile overly-compressed, fake-ish sound, but I love it for the band. I like the cold, anticeptic, operating room, rubbing alcohol, tightly controlled, almost electronic vibe. For my stuff or most other bands, hell no. For Periphery yes.

I reserve judgement for the singer till I hear the whole album.
I still can't believe just how much interest I lost in Bulb's music as soon as vocals came on. I can normally switch off my mind to bad vocalists since 99% of metal has one, but this is just too much.

Interesting idea for a video, but it needed some changing up.

Sadly, +1. Well put, Ermz.
I love the mix. I love the songs. I would love the singers ideas if he had more emotion in his voice. I can live with that though. But I can't live with the crap-core stance.
That is the first time I have watched a music video in years. It is indeed a boring video. But I have never like the videos of heavy metal bands.

I prefer the old music videos of rappers were a bunch of dudes drive old caddies, drink booze, and hang out at a mansion with a bunch chicks in swim suits. Those videos just need a different soundtrack.
Haha, what a surprising thread! I thought everyone around here loved Periphery :) I can't say much about anything though.. I've never fallen for Periphery and the video could've been a bit more interesting indeed.

Anyway, I just found all these responses very interesting.
i really like it too.. despite my critiques... and honestly, i feel kinda lame sitting here on a forum and participating in the picking apart of these guy's art..... it is what it is, and i like it.
By the way, does anyone know what that big 3 RU thing in the rig in the first shot is? I'm guessing some sort of power amp, but yeah, we certainly see enough of it :Spin:

I'm gonna haunt a guess that he rocks Fryette power amps these days
I'm also shocked that some of you are loving this mix. What is up with these young kids these days loving this insanely compressed, tight, pigeon hold metal recordings?

This entire fucking cd sounds like a laptop running arpeggios and drum patterns at 100% accuracy. There's no fucking soul here, no dynamics, no charisma.

I've been ripping on this band lately because I believe it embodies everything that is wrong with metal recordings today.

this article was posted today and echoes my resentments exactly