New photos up at PQ HQ!!

Nikki has come up with some seriously great shots! I was wondering which one/s are your favourites. Mine are 2, 3, 6, 8, 11 and 17. No 6 speaks volumes about the intensity of a Power Quest gig! Very cleverly shot!
Great gallery, and I love the pictures!

#6 is definitely intense.
And Steve is pulling an incredible face in #9! :lol:

But they're all great. Good work both on the gallery and the pics, looks like a lot of work went into this!
When I hit 1928 posts, the universe is going to fold in on itself.
Actually, May 21 was just a rough estimate from way back as to when I will reach 1928 posts. I've been slacking, and apparently not many people have received the memo..
The 'Rapture' *scoff* is why me and some mates are going to get shitfaced as midnight strikes just so if Jesus does turn up we can give him a high-five, put on some Rush and crack a few beers