New Pictures Just In


Mar 20, 2004
I hate to make a whole thread on this. But, could somebody tell me how to post a few saved pics that are on my computer, on this forum? They're pictures of my kit, I have never posted them before and somebody requested them. I finally got 'em.
Alternative 3 said:
Misleading thread title I thought this was going to be Opeth pics :(

Ohhh man. I didn't realize, shit. Maybe I can change it. You're right haha.

You can get rid of your boner now.
<crimson> said: is what i use, you get a lot of free space for pics.

i also thought there were new opeth pics.
oh well at least was updated again tonight.

Yup, thanks. Here you go. I have an extra high quality stand, and another cymbal holder attachment, so I could potentially have 2 more cymbals. My old AAX Splash cracked.




George said:
Nice set up you have there. Ever thought of upgrading those pedals?

Thanks. Yes. I am not buying mid-quality either. and I don't have $500. So, probably not going to happen anytime soon;

My car just got taken from my brother for 2 months, and my old job was a delivery boy. (great money for me, $10-15$/hr on the average AFTER gas)
Riding around listening to metal and getting paid for it? Uh, yes.

So as of Yesterday I am unemployed. I need to find a job as good as that one or I will stay unemployed until I leave for the Air Force.

One reason I'm probably restricted to 625 Bpm on the bass drums is probably my Fp7210 low-end pedals.

It's an ok set-up. I need 2 splashes and a China and I'd be happier. Oh, and octabans, or really high pitched toms. Soon I am going to take my friend's 5-piece and take his rack toms (2) and tune them ridiculously high to have them sound, well high. Those will go on the left of me if I'm on the seat. China to the right, to "ride" on it. My friend's snare drum where the high-tuned toms will be. so I can hit the snrae with my left hand while on the highhat with both hands +get 2 different snare noises. And take his ride and but it on the left as well. Also, take his extra crash and put it somewhere.

Hell I might as well take his bass drum and put it somewhere to have 3 bass drums. Have a mini-kit to the left of my real one, like PORTNOY.

Thumbs up on the shirt. It's BWP. :headbang: