Opeth live (early days) and old pictures


Fevered Pitch
Jun 9, 2004
I am on a hunt for old pictures of Opeth to tape to my wall, but as I was looking at this one sight, I saw some pretty old live photos of them live at the Astoria in London, and I realized something. I think it would be so great to see Opeth live in their early days. I think it would be great to see them in their pre-recording days also. What do you think? Personally I'd kill to see them back then, but after seeing them live on the Lamentation's tour I figured that no matter what they can put on a great show. Also if you know any sights with old Opeth pics besides www.opeth.com that'd be cool if you could post them.
I've got the pretty common video of them playing at the Witchwood in 96. They fuck up a bit, and Mikaels guitar cuts out during Advent, so they start again... but overall they put on a good performance. Video is shithouse quality though.

For pictures, http://opeth.darkwood.com has a nice collection.
As old as this photograph? :lol:
Awsome photo. Those old outfits ruled!

ethereallights, the video is available on most filesharing programs (DC++, Soulseek, Edonkey/Emule).
Jay beat me to it... That was the picture I was going to post! I wouldn't call it a gimmick. I think it's awesome. I suits the music.

I know they aren't live, but hey, why not?


That one always cracked me up. Peter looks like Ozzy!


Another funny one. These next few are live...


