new pipe and bong day PICS AND SHIT



Harry Potter = death metal vocalist?


Haha at HP comment. You look 10 in this photo and yet have the voice of satan.
i look so young clean shaven
lololol fuck my life

reporting in
high as fuck
Just good old zig zags for me...of course, in the long run having a device probably saves money (I buy a pack once every few weeks at roughly $2 USD). I'd rather have a glass pipe over a wood one, though. Easier to clean. Haven't hit a bong in years.
Marcus.. isdatsumvaporizer?

Fuck man, I've been smoking for a LONG time now, and I still have never gotten to try one. How is it? :D

they're amazing.. the last band I had in the studio broke mine. FUUUUUUUUUUUU
He said he'll pay for it but I haven't seen any money yet. They've actually gone up in price since I bought mine too

and Gareth
that is 100% NOT how I pictured you looking... the internet is a weird thing man
i posted up a picture last year or so arv ^_^

and FUCK
lol at arsonists getting all the girls being on there though hahaha

but yeah, the wizard pipe tastes amazing, cant wait to break it in more, and since it is mazey day today, it shall be getting used.
the bong pulls almost too smoothly too haha
need to put some chilled water in there next time instead
lucky bastards, i haven't been able to smoke for nearly a year.
My throat goes after literally like 2 tokes on anything.
Sucks, just need to make brownies more i s'pose.
they're amazing.. the last band I had in the studio broke mine. FUUUUUUUUUUUU
He said he'll pay for it but I haven't seen any money yet. They've actually gone up in price since I bought mine too

and Gareth
that is 100% NOT how I pictured you looking... the internet is a weird thing man

How did they break it? they are nearly indesructible? they come with a 3 yr warranty and even after the 3 yrs any piece that breaks on it they will replace for like 25 bucks.....7th Floor is a amazing company......