New plank day! (Jackson content)


Adrian Smith-wannabe
Apr 30, 2006
Okay, so after going through both a JS30 Dinky and a KV2 and ending up selling both, I thought "I guess Jackson isn't the company for me". However I saw an ad in what you could call the Swedish equivalent of Craigslist on the sale of a used RR5. So I e-mailed the guy, asked what he wanted for it and since it was half the price of a new one + case (not sure if the new ones come with one), I kept it in mind and when I got enough money for it, I figured "Fuck it, why not?". I paid for it monday, he set it up with new strings yesterday and took it to a company that'd transport it here via bus. It arrived today and I really like it so far. Only problem is a really annoying hum on the bridge and neck-positions on the toggle switch. Loudest on the bridge-pup, which sucks. :( Ah well.

The case has a logo of the former owners band on it which I decided to keep, as a sign of respect for where the guitar has been.

Hopefully, I won't end up not liking it in the near future like I did with the KV. :lol: That shit really stung. :lol:







How can you not like a KV2?! I'd kill someone for a KV2!!
Didn't care too much for the way the neck felt, plus the Floyd is such a bitch to mess with. If it felt great otherwise, I would've just blocked it, but it just didn't click with me. My Ibanez I got when I traded the KV2 is just superior.
thats like miiiiine! its fucking knackered mine is haha.

They're brothers! :lol: Feels amazing though, right? It's essentially your fault I first bought a KV2 and then this. Bought the KV2 after the Jackson (I think it was black.. Well, it was with the very unique "fingerprinted black" finish. Customshop? ;) ) you played opening for Megs looked awesome. Now I saw the RR5 in some studio-vid on youtube and it looked nice. Please, stick to those. :lol: My budget is shot to shit.