New Pod X3 clip 6505/Recto and AD Drums

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Been toying around with a song for my new band. Decided to try some new amp models and what not. Its 6505 on the left and Recto on the right from my POD X3. Check it out gimme some critiques bc I am trying to learn as much as I can.

Thanks dewds,
I think it sounds really great, I think I prefer the sound of the recto.

Instead of starting a new thread, I'll ask my question here. Is is possible to get the same sound of the X3 with gearbox as a vst?

thanks. And ummmmm I would think so, but the only thing I think would be lacking is the dual amp mode that the POD X3 offers.