New PQ Podcast


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
It's been a couple of years since me and Kiwi put together the last podcast I it's time for another......

I'll be putting something together over the next week to give you a bit of an insight into the next album and what we've been up to on that front, plus some thoughts on the past few months with a nod to up coming events as well!

Of course.....that's if you guys want to know! :loco:
I Always want to know :lol: about the new stuff and what will become of those songs discarded from MOI (Would be a shame to waste them - maybe we'll see a rarities release somewhere down the line)
You don't even have to question it; of course we want it!
Oof there's a number of studios being used for the next album! The new song titles (Crunching the Numbers, Story of My Life, Time to Burn) sound very interesting. Kiwi Steve gone but never forgotten!
Cheers Steve. Exciting times for PQ at the moment then :headbang: can't wait to hear the new material! it was only this time last year that MOI came out so you guys must be in the zone. Bill and Andrea are awesome guitar duo and you've got the best of three studios (i think Thin ice was the best choice for vocals but obviously i have no experience :lol:) so this is gonna rule (Same as every other PQ album)