New Project: Walk As Chaos


Throbbing Member
Jul 20, 2002
Calgary, AB, CANADA - to sign up for updates etc.

There will be vocals eventually just an instrumental demo for now. Also looking for someone to do a trumpet solo in the clean part. Let me know what you think!

Some info:
Drums are programmed; sound wise Metal Foundry is the foundation with various other samples blended in on the shells including other Superior libraries, LSD, Slate and Truth.

Bass is also programmed with Trilian, then re-amped at my place through a TC head and Sansamp.

Guitars are tracked with my JP7 into Axe-FX, then re-amped at my place as well. The main rhythms are 5150III into Mesa cab, there is also some Roadster blended in. 57 and 121 into API and Great River. Cleans and leads are Axe-FX.

Synths and samples are programmed with various things, mainly Massive and Omnisphere among others.

Mix is too much stuff to list out, feel free to ask about anything... Master has VCC, Obsidian, Hammer and clipping Lynx + a touch of Ozone for loud.
Sounds great man! and some great guitar work on that track as well. So you just used the Axe Fx for tracking DIs?

Thanks! Yeah I tracked all the guitars at home with the Axe, then reamped later at our studio space where I can crank it! Leads and cleans stayed Axe-FX.

That is some ridiculous guitar's too hard to keep up with the technicality bar constantly raising I Quit

Thanks, don't think i'm raising any bars compared to some peeps out there! Just trying to put some interesting notes in those arpeggios instead of the same old...
Worked now =] Epic sir.

Good, thanks.

Insane guitar work Sacha! So is it a new side-project of yours? Whats with Enditol in that case?

Yeah this is kind of the evolution / continuation of ENDITOL; just felt like starting fresh with a new name and incoporating all i've been learning.

Awesome dude! MF for all the brass? Those hats sound better than I usually hear! :p

Yeah for the most part, I think there is a ride from Music City in the chorus'

love the whole mix, except the snare is a bit lifeless :p

Cool, I like the snare but thanks for listening!
Sounds great as usual!
I think this could work out for ENDITOL's second album. Why the new name/project?