Huge guitars! New gear! (Speed/shred)


I See No Civilization
Apr 10, 2011
I just got a new Sebatron VMP-4000e and decided to use it for a quick demo with a friend. His project is called Infiltrator and it's awesome, catchy Venom/Motorhead stuff with crazy solos.

I'm fucking stoked on the rhythm guitars. He was playing a Caparison, going into a Fulltone OCD and then MXR Micro Amp, then my modded JCM 900 into a JCM Anniversary cab. It's one hard left, one hard right. Royer R-121 blended with a SM57, then the Sebatron, straight into a Lynx Aurora.

Lead was his guitar into a GSP1101 with OwnHammer cab. Bass was Sans Amp RBI into an API something-12 racked for 500's DI, drums were programmed (Superior Drummer and some custom samples) more or less how I'd have played them if I had time to setup my crap. I should have side-chained the guitars to the snare -- it gets a little buried there -- but he and I are quite happy with the result considering how little time we spent on it.

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You crazy, mang. Amp and cab were Marshall, distortion is almost all from volume. Of course mids are gonna be bumpin'! Most of the guitars' meat comes from the 300-500 Hz area, by design. You're definitely the first person to describe it as thin, but you're entitled to your opinion! Tell me, what specifically would you do to it? Keep in mind, we wanted it to sound somewhat old. Lots of Nebula tape saturation that darken it, it's definitely not a slick, super-high gain death metal recording...
I thought "huge" meant "full" which means it's filling out the whole spectrum pretty evenly. So I would not call these guitars huge. :)

Overall I think you have good tones in there but volume levels are effed up. Guitars are way too loud... I wasn't sure if there was anything else but guitars in there at first.
nope, huge (thick ) guitars are - right balance between mids , highs , and lows ..not only 500 hz,
try to listen your guitars on ns 10 with bryston - you hear only mids....
First off, it's not "only 500 hz," it's just a bit more focused there because that's what the amp sounded like.

I guess I tend to think of "huge" a little differently. I think of punch and overall force, though I guess I've never really taken the time to define it and you have, so I shouldn't argue. I think you're picking on this demo a lot more than need be. The guitar sounds full and natural as far as I'm concerned, I'm excited about my new gear, the guy who wrote the material loves it, and feedback has been positive other than here, so... It's all good.