New Rapture album


Jan 2, 2002
yez, just wanna say the new Rapture album are on the way ;)
the street date is Marz-07-2005, if u missed it...
the title is "the silent stage" and will be released on spikefarm records, the album contains 9 fantastic songs... u should check it out then it´s out :)

and i can say they are inspired by katatonia/opeth as always :)
Great band.
ucsbdude said:
I thought Rapture was done with Spikefarm. Do they have an website up and running?
few months ago, Petri asked me if I would be able to make a official Rapture forum, no site. He didn't wanted to have one... just a forum where their fans can speak and share thoughts... The things somehow got silent becouse I didn't had the time for that.

No, Rapture are not done with Spinefarm... I dunoo why people think they are!?!?!?!
fmsmetal said:
yez, just wanna say the new Rapture album are on the way ;)
the street date is Marz-07-2005, if u missed it...
the title is "the silent stage" and will be released on spikefarm records, the album contains 9 fantastic songs... u should check it out then it´s out :)

and i can say they are inspired by katatonia/opeth as always :)
Great band.

Hell yeah. This album really is just fantastic and it is cool to see that Rapture are really developing into their own sound. The album is not without its faults though, as some parts are quite derivative. For example, the third track, "I Am Complete". has an intro that very much recalls the tremolo banging that Anders did on "Stalemate." And the closing track, "Completion", is also quite derivative of "Inside The City Of Glass", which I think Katatonia derived from Paradise Lost's "Deus Misereatur". but that is a whole other argument. And why do Rapture need to have TWO instrumentals on this LP? Just a question.
All in all though, this album is quite beautiful and moving, and will most likely appear in my top ten by year's end. Definitely buy this when it comes out :headbang:
first of all, i think rapture is great,and im stoked to here that there is a new album finally coming out.and second,how can i get in touch with members of rapture to get merch and more info on the band?if some one in that band reas this ,please email ""
thanks for puting out a new record.rad
To me, the new Rapture sounds like a perfect mix between futile and songs for the withering. I don't think they are treading any new ground, but as always the songs are A+. The song I Am Complete is currently my favorite but they are all from above average to excellent. I would have liked to heard a longer version of the outro 'completion' , like the last song on futile...and it does remind me a bit of inside the city of glass =)
Agreed. Rapture is far from original, and at times almost plagaristic... but I dont care, I like it. I suppose that's all that matters, eh?
Oh, and MadTinus, thanks for the bad review of our new album!!!!!
MadTinus said:
They download via DC++, Soulseek etc..
Indeed we do, underground, elitist snobs that we are, hehe.
And insidethefall, it is cool to see we agree once more on something. You really should play the PL track, "Deus Misereatur" and "Inside The City of Glass" to see the derivation there. Quite a cool homage actually. Viva Emptiness is also structured similarly to Icon. Oh hell, maybe I should just post a useless thread about it :)
Man, I have been listening to this thing over and over, it's amazing...This is how i rank the songs, from best to worst (although they are all good)

I am complete (one of the best rapture songs ever!)
Silent Chrysalis stage (their most 'futile' offering,amazing)
Completion (great katatonic instrumental closer)
The times we bled
For the ghosts of our time
the past nightmares
misery 24/7
cold on my side
dreaming of oblivion
Just got the promo of Silent Stage... And what can I say, these guys, they've always delivered!! It's slightly different than the previous ones, although I haven't got any further than track 5 yet... There are some keyboards used as well, and I think they are "futile". Well, gotta listen to it more to form a more profound statement, so I'll be back on this!