New Review

interesting review, although I dont agree at all with the comments about a tinny prod (thin???) IT SOUNDS HUGE, and it will sound huge wether your speakers are at minimum or pumped like hell
The prod is flawless, and maybe even too clean lol, too thin? drum overtriggered? Welcome to DM in 2009

and about no song that addictively hooked you..I can understand what you mean at first I felt a bit like that too, but come on, the comment loses all credibility when you refer to some songs you consider as addictive
''Craving for another killing? Let the knife do the talking? PATH TO BABYLON???''

These are good songs but I REALLY dont see how they are more ''addictive'' than Valley, Weed out, The quest, Alive, Sky's falling down...ETC ETC especially Path to Babylon...for christs sake lol
I like this one. Even though you seem to be a huge fan, you manage to avoid sounding like a 'fanboi'. And while you point out some things you don't like, you still make the album sound awesome. But I agree with Supernova when it comes to 'addictive songs' - I think there's loads. I'm still having a hard time deciding what my favs are, but Solar, Quest and Sky are definitely some of those that makes me wanna listen to it constantly. Same thing with Sinner, and Weed is brilliant. Pretty much the whole thing is addictive. :p
I'm a long time serious COB fan and am checking out Hypocrisy with more intensity these days looking for another band that might really interest me. This new album, I really dig the first two tracks, the rest felt like not so special, but I'll need more listens. I love the extra terrestial mythology in The Arrival and Abducted as I study this phenomena for hobby. It's genious, if Peter continued on that trail I'd surely be a big fan ^^

It was a rather amusing joke. Would you fine gentlemen like to know what is similar about Hypocrisy and Slipknot?
They both got a 7/10 rating on "".

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

No seriously, that site has "unusual" ratings for alot of albums.

It was a rather amusing joke. Would you fine gentlemen like to know what is similar about Hypocrisy and Slipknot?
They both got a 7/10 rating on "".

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

No seriously, that site has "unusual" ratings for alot of albums.

Haha they both got 7? Lol :loco:
Actually, Follow the Reaper wasn't really bad.

No, it wasn't, I actually herald it among the best metal albums that I've heard.

What kind of music you like is a personal matter of taste of course, but in terms of instrumental acrobatics COB wipes the floor with Hypocrisy and that's undeniable. So if you go out saying COB's last 4 albums have been crap, please specify how were they crap.

There's dozens of mind-blowing melodic ideas in COB's discography, in this department they're untouched in my opinion. But Hypocrisy is my 2nd favourite overall, because they have a stronger feeling than COB.
but in terms of instrumental acrobatics COB wipes the floor with Hypocrisy and that's undeniable

hundreds of bands totally own COB talking about musicianship technique, so whats your point? that more acrobatics means necessarily better? Ridiculous.

and btw, I kinda liked follow the reaper too, I said it was mostly FOR THE JOKE ;)
but in terms of instrumental acrobatics COB wipes the floor with Hypocrisy and that's undeniable

hundreds of bands totally own COB talking about musicianship technique, so whats your point? that more acrobatics means necessarily better? Ridiculous.

and btw, I kinda liked follow the reaper too, I said it was mostly FOR THE JOKE ;)

I don't think COB have been mostly about the acrobatics, they mainly have the best musical ideas ever composed. It's like emotions changed into music. For sure there are some better players out there than the COB guys, but COB has also made (in my opinion) the greatest songs out there.

I'm now acclimatizing myself with Hypocrisy for a fresh change. It really gives me a foundation on which to compare two awesome bands and say what is good and what is not, for both. I really like the feeling of depth in Hypocrisy and the extra terrestial theme since I study the phenomena for hobby.

Are people aware the radio sample before Roswell 47 is from the Rendlesham case (nicknamed "Britain's Roswell") radio discussion? And the artwork of The Arrival is based on the same event?

I wish there was a band like this that actually sticked to that theme. Aside from the religion issues Peter seems to be aware of what's really going on which I think is cool.

but I dont see why you would absolutely want to compare both bands...? whats the point really

at least if you want to compare, use 2 bands that are very similar, that sprouted from the same roots and serve the same purpose