New Ripper Owens Track

That main riff in "Starting Over" certainly has a Dio vibe to it. Not sure what to think of the rest of the songs. They may be the type of songs that needs a few listens to really appreciate. Myspace isn't always the greatest place to judge a song or band by.
That main riff in "Starting Over" certainly has a Dio vibe to it. Not sure what to think of the rest of the songs. They may be the type of songs that needs a few listens to really appreciate. Myspace isn't always the greatest place to judge a song or band by.

Haven't been able to get thru the whole disk yet. It's not bad... just not really interesting at first. Maybe it will grow on me if I give it the chance.
Tim puts in a great performance as usual...his vocals on this is top notch. The music on the other hand is just lackluster. Even with the heavy hitters guesting on just sounds like they didn't put forth the effort to get it right.