New Rise To Remain track (Colin Richardson production)

Parka Dez

Jun 30, 2009
They have the opening track from their forthcoming album up for free download on their website.

Colin Richardson and Carl Bown produced and mixed the album, and I'm pretty sure Ted Jensen mastered it. I did the preproduction for the album and was lucky enough to come down to the studio near the end of the guitar tracking to see Carl and Colin in action.

Well worth checking out.
I met the drummer in London once through a friend, thought they were quite a small band to be honest! Good for them, I just hate this whole having to give your facebook login shit to listen to a song
Colin does indeed work ITB most of the time, usually with an engineer/assistant as well.

They used several guitar amps for different certain parts, as well as different guitars. There was a guitar for chords, clean chords, riffing, lead lines, leads etc. A 5150 was used among many others.
The guy can shred. Uses a ball saxe fx live. It's good that they're trying to avoid all the links to iron maiden as well. They opened up our stage on the recent soundwave tour of Australia and were quite good. Not my thing but good players. The fact that Bruce often popped around to watch them was pretty cool as well.
As far as I'm aware there was a 5150, Uberschall and Mesa Boogie Single Rectifier used on the record, as well as several others for clean tones. The heavy amps were put through a Mesa Boogie with v30s.