Andy and Colin co production

I remeber the first time I heard Machine Head's The More Things Change, Carcass' Heartwork and Fear Factory's Demanufacture, they all had the same effect on me. I was, and I still am, amazed of how huge every single instrument sounds on those albums.(Well, the songs were not bad either) I nearly crapped myself when I heard Machine Head's Ten Tone Hammer for the first time.

I am a guitarplayer myself, so of course the guitar tones on those albums have influenced me a lot. I still haven't heard better ones.(Andy has gotten pretty damn close though)

I have been listening to Carcass' Swansong lately, and I love the guitartone. Did they use 5150's on it and Heartwork? There has been a lot of discussion about these albums, and particulary the guitar tone on Heartwork, so if you remeber anything, I would love to know.

Oh, and welcome :notworthy
Hey, I have a question for Colin; do you ever use room-mics when recording drums? I think a little blend of ambient sounds very cool with triggers and close-mics, specially if the drummer kan actually play without having to re-edit all his bassdrums...

I was at Daniel Bergstrands place couple of weeks ago, and he just coulden't stop raving about room-mics. Also, he had to manually replace/edit all "weak" hits on all of the close-mics cause he diden't like triggers, though...
Wow! ...
All I can say is (with all my respect to Andy:Saint: ) that the guitar sound that will always be ringing in my head, that I always dream about, that I'll always pursue, that will always make anything I do sound weak in comparison is "Heartwork"

Thanks for ruining my life, Mr. Richardson :heh:

Naaaahhh .... all my respect goes to you!!!:rock:
Here is the Bullet guitar chain ESP guitar with EMG 81 into a Maxon overdrive then into Andy's 5150, cab wise a Mesa Boogie with slanted front , Mic's 57 and 421 into Neve 1073 mic pre's with no EQ
Peavey 5150 settings
Rhythm channel
pre amp 6.5
Bass 6
mid 2
treble 5.5
post gain 3
resonance 7
presense 8
Cheers guy's.

Hey Colin thanks allot for that man! Just out of curiosity how do you go about blending tones from a 5150 and a Mesa, basically do you use one for more of the note sound and one for more gain and bottom any tidbits you can give a poor cracker on that would be greatly appreciated:rock:
From Colin's myspace blog :

"Hey there. Thanks for all the messages about the new Machine Head album, "The Blackening." We are all happy with how the mix turned out and can't wait for you to hear it. I'd have to say my favourite tracks are "Beautiful Mourning" (great chorus) and "Slanderous Love Song", which is an amazing groove track with cool dynamics. Of course the entire album features the most under-rated drummer in metal - Dave McClain. He has really raised the bar on this album.

I am now taking a much needed rest over the holidays before I start the Bullet For My Valentine (producing and mixing) album shortly after New Year. I think the new BFMV is going to be more metal than "The Poison" and will have plenty of killer solos! The songs sounded brilliant at pre-production so I am really looking forward to getting into the studio with them again. We're going to record most of the album in the USA and then finish it all off in London.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! I'll report back after we're up and running on the Bullet For My Valentine album. Thanks again for all the kind words and support! Colin
From Colin's myspace blog :

"Hey there. Thanks for all the messages about the new Machine Head album, "The Blackening." We are all happy with how the mix turned out and can't wait for you to hear it. I'd have to say my favourite tracks are "Beautiful Mourning" (great chorus) and "Slanderous Love Song", which is an amazing groove track with cool dynamics. Of course the entire album features the most under-rated drummer in metal - Dave McClain. He has really raised the bar on this album.

I am now taking a much needed rest over the holidays before I start the Bullet For My Valentine (producing and mixing) album shortly after New Year. I think the new BFMV is going to be more metal than "The Poison" and will have plenty of killer solos! The songs sounded brilliant at pre-production so I am really looking forward to getting into the studio with them again. We're going to record most of the album in the USA and then finish it all off in London.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! I'll report back after we're up and running on the Bullet For My Valentine album. Thanks again for all the kind words and support! Colin

thx Brett, nice to read something about the new MH, i cant wait for listening it
"hi colin, can you plz give me all the samples from the last trivum album k thx bai" oh and THE PRESETZ too??? :grin:
Although I can share his heartwork 5150 settings, Dan:

Lead channel
Pre-gain - 5
Resonance - 10
Uber Pwnage - 10
Negative vibes - 0
Br00talz - 10
Pure Satan - 10
Toilet tones - 0
Master volume - 3.5

You're welcome.