New Rock Song for your love/hate


Jun 28, 2009
Here's a new song i worked out today! wrote/recorded everything and mixed today, but to be fair i have been working on the mix long before this song haha. Anyways, hope you guys like it! btw, if anyone would be interested in putting some vocals on it, that would be awesome.

guitars were my 6505+ on the rhythm channel with no boost and impulses and little eq, bass is pitch shifted guitar which seemed to work out rather well actually haha, and drums are some metal foundry and kick snare blended samples.

let me know what you think! 30 song2.mp3

btw, nothing is edited. havent had time to go over the final checklist of things yet.
Not listened to it through my monitors, but there is some cool stuff going on in there man. The guitars at the start sounded very digital to me though. The bits that I thought were the chorus' sounded nice, like the vibe of this song for sure. Would be sweet with some roomier drums (maybe I'm not picking the room sounds up on my iMac speakers)

Get a vocalist, great song.