New SATAN Album in 2013


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
With this post I'm really showing my age, but in a world were very little news in the metal world really excites me as much as it once did, this is certainly a highlight for me in 2012.

One of the possibly less recognized bands of the NWOBHM generation (who isn't when compared to Iron Maiden and Judas Priest?), SATAN has signed with Listenable Records and will release an new album in Q1 of 2013.

While I'm pretty sure some of you will be familiar with SATAN and their, what I truly consider masterpiece metal album Court in the Act released in 1983, I'm also sure some of you have likely never heard of them. This is the same lineup that recorded Court in the Act with singer Brian Ross, guitarists Russ Tippins and Steve Ramsey, bassist Graeme English, and drummer Sean Taylor.

From Court in the Act 1983:

From the reunion at Keep it True festival 2011:

I know it may not be a modern metal heads type of music, but for a 45 year old that was 16 in 1983 it was what I was looking for and still brings back fond memories of discovering this album cover in the imported metal section of my hometown record store.


Hell, even Blind Guardian recognized a classic when they heard it:

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So - I had to revive a thread I posted from late last year with the first clip from Satan's forthcoming album Life Sentence.

Satan was right up there in my favorite NWOBHM acts - unfortunately never really getting the worldwide recognition they deserved. News that after 28 years they would be getting back together and releasing a new album in 2013 was some of the best metal news of 2012 for me personally.

28 years apart and they sound just as good as they did back in 1983 on this new track. It clearly has a very live, retro production and it sounds different from many the polished productions we've become accustom to, but it sounds great to me and exactly what I want from them - I'm sure some will disagree.

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