new Satyricon??

Originally posted by Children of Flames
Do you guys know that Satyricon is only Satyr and Frost (drums)?
Satyr has always written EVERYTHING. He's at least as creative as Åkerfeldt (if not more).....
I saw them live this summer; they fucking ROCKED.
Satyr is one hell of a musician.

The new album will be released in rest of Europe on 21th of October. (It's already released in Scandinavia - August).
To be announced in USA..... creative as akerfeldt?!?!?! Well, if your definition of creative is belting out generic albums with a bunch of songs that sound the same, Satyr takes the cake. I don't dislike the band by any means, but that's like comparing a finger painting kindergartener to Monet.
Originally posted by Children of Flames
Satyr only does live vocals yeah. Don't know about any Darkthrone members....
I've heard about Lars Norberg before but I can't recall now...He plays in a pretty well known band I think.

Lars Norberg and Steinar Gundersen play in Spiral Architect, don't know about the other one though
'nocturno culto' is the third person in the photos on Nemesis Divina, on which he played. He also played live with them a few times- a close look at the satyricon page tells you that somewhere i think. I know i read it there only last week...

haven't heard the cd yet, but the samples sound cool.
RE is ok, but nowhere near Nemesis...