New Saxon fan

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Hey all you Saxon Gents and Ladies thought I might share this little story with you. Just after buying that XXL Killing Ground T :) I was walking thru one of many local conveint stores here in my home town Proudly displaying it, when the lady proprietor of the store inquired as to were I had gotten said T. To which I replied "you know know who this is" surprised by the ? as the lady in ? was of a considerablee older age than I and she replied that her son would like one so I gave her the web address and she bought the lad a T. So... for all you people out there who think that the MIGHTY SAXON are bunch of Dinosaurs you might want to think again.

"So... for all you people out there who think that the MIGHTY SAXON are bunch of Dinosaurs you might want to think again. "

I know what you mean. Yeah, they are dinosaurs, but not only those 30-40 years old people listens to them! This is the greatness of Heavy Metal man! Me for example, started to like heavy music in the nineties, I'm almost 20.

I'm 32 and more into metal than when I was 16. Recently I've been picking up used vinyls from the early 80s (including a number of Saxon albums) and that stuff doesn't sound old. Don't try to get that same feeling from pop music or whatever.

No Natalia your missing the point of the whole message I'm not saying that they Saxon
are dinosurs I'm saying that for all the people who doubt them and think there dinosurs ought to think again. That they are far from that being (a Dinosur band) :)


Oh, In my point of view when referring to a band being dinosaur means that they are still great, making good music and still rocking nowadays.
Hum...dinosaurs doesn't exist anymore... it's a good point, but dinosaurs are big! Geez, how my english is poor...sorry. many times when it comes to discuss something I feel I don't have the knowledge.
Anyway, dinosaur or not, they still are on the road!


Not a problem Natalia, I just don't want to be taken in the wrong context I wrote that original mesage because I'm in my late thirtys and the band (SAXON) are still very dear to me.

I just thought it was cool because I think I turned some one, a younger person on to a band that has been around a long time and if I can do that bye just wearing a T-shirt I think that is saying alot. So who knows this lad will tell his friends and so on and so on and the fan based will continue to grow and reach new people. .')

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