New Schecter C1 Plus with SD Dimebucker Jam "Determination"


Mar 6, 2007
I traded my Crate BV120 1/2 stack straight up for this guitar and I've been dying to finally record something with it. All my normal gear is back in Australia with the Mrs. waiting for me to get my visa so I can get back and make use of it again but I was able to scrounge up some pc parts and put together a "barebones" version of a DAW. AMD 1.2Ghz, 1gb ram, reaper, and some free plugs I found on this forum. Drums are the basic ezdrummer kit and my new schecter on the gits.
I don't want to say anything about what amp I recorded with until after a few replies and critique on the sound.
The mix isn't anything special based on these cambridge-soundworks computer speakers I'm listening with.
I'd love to hear a few opinions on the guitar sound mostly but definitely feel free to comment on any part of the mix so far.
Mid-way through the guitars get quieter on purpose to make room for a lead which I didn't do and haven't written but only know that I want one there.
Enough excuses already...

Soundclick :puke:
drums sound pretty good.

Guitars aren't my thing, though. They sound thin, kinda. Sounds like it would be killer live in the room, but then they were high passed or something, I can't explain it very well. When I hear the palm mutes, I hear that it should sound thick, but it doesn't...
Thank you guys for the feedback and tips fo sho'. I wasn't sure how low to cut the guitars out to make room for bass when it gets recorded so it seems I cut way too much. Unavailable, thanks man I'll definitely try the zone between those marks for more body/(punch?).
I feel pretty rusty overall when it comes to music lately which leaves me feeling pretty insecure about my mixing ability so I highly appreciate everything anyone is willing to offer in order to help improve this crap.
If you guys are wiling to have another listen, I'll see about posting up a newer version with your ideas tonight.
Thanks again :kickass:
Thanks, man. I'm afraid I'm not able to adjust the gain currently. Its all or nothing. By the way, I was hoping to catch a Hatebreed-ish vibe with this one or at least thats the style of vocals I hear in my head when I listen to it. By chance anyone else hear it as well or is it just wishful thinking on my part?
Thanks, man. I'm afraid I'm not able to adjust the gain currently. Its all or nothing. By the way, I was hoping to catch a Hatebreed-ish vibe with this one or at least thats the style of vocals I hear in my head when I listen to it. By chance anyone else hear it as well or is it just wishful thinking on my part?

Ok. I don't know if i'd put Hatebreed-ish vocals specificly but it definitely needs some brutal, pissed-off and in your face vocals :) (think Hoods, Merauder, 100 demons, The Red Chord...)
The more I listen to this, the more I hate the cymbals. They're too splashy sounding for my taste, at least on this song. I'm thinking it'd be better to just open 2 sessions of EZDrummer, the regular kit for the main drums with the cymbals muted, and then the DFH patch running just the cymbals, maybe blend with room and the compression track......
I think I wanna try using mainly the compressed track running only cymbals and sidechain that with the cymbals room track... that might give me the life missing in these dead sounding slabs of metal being slapped around........ I really hate the sound of ezdrummer cymbals for this track.
DOD Death Metal Distortion Pedal + GuitarHack's "Between" and "Edge" Impulses

Thanks, cobhc. I'm glad you dig it. I've wanted to try this for a while and I'm surprised now that I have. I expected much worse but those impulses really saved the day.