New Schecter C1 Plus with SD Dimebucker Jam "Determination"

Nah, Metal, I'm Hoosier by birth. I've just completed all the mandatory paperwork and was granted my visa to move to Australia and marry my fiance. I'm leaving the end of this month, FINALLY :headbang:

kass, thanks!!! I was split on the tone...sometimes I like it, sometimes I dont. It doesn't horrible, to me, when mixed with everything else but its pretty iffy on its own. I just wish I would have known about impulses forever ago when that pedal was all I had.

I should upload the new mix with bass guitar to see what y'all think.
Ltd bass with active emg's > bass pod xt pro > doubled 10% L/R > 1st hp > 2nd eq + lp

This sounds pretty beefy in my headphones and on shelf systems but I wasn't so pleased in the car. Sometimes it sounds pumpy and then others it seems fine.
I'd appreciate some fresh ears on this if you've got a couple free minutes.

Thank you to anyone who offers suggestions on the mix.