New setup - 5150 V30 SM57 test


Doeds Groed & Floede
Aug 11, 2006
Hi there fellow metallers - and thx for making this forum so great - it's been a while since I last posted anything - mainly because the transition from the PODxt to real mic/amp setup has been somewhat of a challenge.

Things cleared up a bit after I got rid of one of the stock sheffield 1200 speakers in the 5150 combo and replaced it with a V30. Now it's finally beginning to sound not-so-ridiculously-lame - but there's still a long way to go so I figured I'd post a short clip and hear if you guys could give me a word of advice as to what I might do to make this sound better.

I'm sorry that the clip is so damn short - hope you'll loop it a few times - I had very limited time to track it.

I hope you'll share your opinion. How's it sound? What's sticking out - what is lacking - what would you change?
(I realize I should probably be bringing the crashes and kick down a bit)

Cheers & \m/ \m/
I'll just add that what concerns me most is the guitar sound - riffs are just test riffs - but any comments to the sound and mix in general would be a great help and be very much appreciated - so don't hold back :o)
@ I Am The Fury: Thx man! Good to hear it's not way off!

@ metalfanat1c: Cool - I'll try to brighten it up some - been too concerned with fizz issues so maybe I've gone overboard trying to keep the high end down. Will definately try som more treble. Thanks!
Guitar sound is nice, I think you should work some more on fitting the drums to the guitars.
Bassdrum is maybe a bit too clicky compared to the snare sounding less 'bright'.
@ - yes I hear ya - thanks - the crashes are all DFHS - and I've got to different reverbs going on those - will try to cut back on that - and maybe one or two dB less level wise too.

@ Calippo Tecks - thx! There's a very clicky sample blended in the DFHS kick - sticks out too much maybe - I'll try to take it back a few dB.

Thank you for the replies :Smokin: