New Shinedown vid

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
The song is ok but is far inferior to all the killer ballads on the last album. The song Bully released earlier was also not all that, though the chorus was quite cool. My enthusiasm is fully dampened after the monumental TSoM, hope I'm wrong though.

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I foresee that first song on my wifes radio station for sure and the next Now that's what I call music collection. :)
Does Bully remind anyone else of old Saigon Kick?
Bully reminded me of Saigon Kick too. Not one of their better songs but I'm hoping the new cd is good. I think it comes out the same day as Iron Maiden and Over Kill.
Well I hope its a good album so far not impressed. I love the previous three though...Going to finally see them live in two weeks up in SF!!

I could see this song as comingf from the Water CD for SK. I actually had that CD (SK's Water CD) with me at work the other day and was listening to it. What a great CD. Very eclectic though.

Besides that, Shinedown have always been one of the newer mainstream rock bands that I really enjoy. I like both songs.

Long live the Saigon Kick and the Peppermint Tribe.
New album is streaming on I-tunes. I don't think they will ever come close to the brilliance of TSoM again, but I'm enjoying this nonetheless. The title track is awesome.
You can relax the sphincter a tad. Bully is my least favorite song on the disc. However, I actually like the other song posted quite a bit. Thus, my understanding of John Frank's musical taste continues to be filed along side Area 51, the Bermuda Triangle, and Atlantis.
You can relax the sphincter a tad. Bully is my least favorite song on the disc. However, I actually like the other song posted quite a bit. Thus, my understanding of John Frank's musical taste continues to be filed along side Area 51, the Bermuda Triangle, and Atlantis.

I am an enigma wrapped inside a riddle. :Spin:

My sphincter is relaxed, Mr. Health Care Professional. :grin: I just have not had my ass kicked by an album in a few years. Lately, I have been hesitant about listening to followups to awesome albums because the lack of ass kicking hurts all the more in those cases.

I am not just avoiding Shinedown. I also have the new Heaven Below in the delayed queue. The new Spawn of Possession too, but I know such evil, scary things dare not be mentioned on this board. :p
I recently fould a Shinedown CD in my apartment and not sure how it got here. I was pretty sure I did not care for them but spun the whole album to give it a fair chance. I'm definely sure now that I dp npt care for it.
Frankster Heaven Below sucked badly. I can't say even liked maybe 2 songs a bit. What a disappointment.

Now here's my Shinedown review.

If you were expecting TSoM massive sound and huge song writing you'll be disappointed. This album ain't nowhere near that quality in terms of blowing you over with might and power. It's still a high quality modern hard rock album though. The star of the show is Brent Smith. The guy's voice is something else. I must admit though that he seems to be a bit of a studio singer though as from what I've heard from him live he's great but not quite on the studio level. I like about half of the songs a lot and most of the others are ok. There's no real clunkers to be heard. There's just nothing to make the goose pimples to stand up or make you wanna belt out the vocals alongside Brent. I enjoy the ballads a lot again on this album. His voice just sounds perfect on those songs and they are sung wonderfully well with great emotion. The guitars are still heavy but seem a little brought back in the mix to allow the vocals to shine more. If you are being super strict you'd say this album was a major disappointment but if you allow the songs a little time to grow on you I'm sure you'll enjoy the disk but in the end when it comes down to it, you can tell it was impossible to top the last album and to be fair to them I don't think they even tried.
Frankster Heaven Below sucked badly. I can't say even liked maybe 2 songs a bit. What a disappointment.

Now here's my Shinedown review.

If you were expecting TSoM massive sound and huge song writing you'll be disappointed. This album ain't nowhere near that quality in terms of blowing you over with might and power. It's still a high quality modern hard rock album though. The star of the show is Brent Smith. The guy's voice is something else. I must admit though that he seems to be a bit of a studio singer though as from what I've heard from him live he's great but not quite on the studio level. I like about half of the songs a lot and most of the others are ok. There's no real clunkers to be heard. There's just nothing to make the goose pimples to stand up or make you wanna belt out the vocals alongside Brent. I enjoy the ballads a lot again on this album. His voice just sounds perfect on those songs and they are sung wonderfully well with great emotion. The guitars are still heavy but seem a little brought back in the mix to allow the vocals to shine more. If you are being super strict you'd say this album was a major disappointment but if you allow the songs a little time to grow on you I'm sure you'll enjoy the disk but in the end when it comes down to it, you can tell it was impossible to top the last album and to be fair to them I don't think they even tried.

Damn. I will get to both albums eventually. My expectations are quite low at this point. Thanks for the comments.

So many albums to like, so few to love. Sigh...