New Slice The Cake preview!

I've been trying to completely avoid listening to this, because it seems like 100% of the bands Gareth mentions he likes I hate with a passion. I'm not exaggerating.

Surprisingly though, I could listen to some of this! Nice job on vocals, and nice guitar riffs!
hoooolyyyy shiiiitttttt!!!!!

Guitar sound and vocals are just fucking amazing! I really like this sample that you've uploaded on your myspace.
I'm also looking forward to you EP.

Gubbuk - tell us something abour recording guitars, they are just incredibly (?) agressive
Thanks for the positive feedback guys!
For the tone in the preview I used 5150 with poidaobi's impulses
However, on the real deal i use my line6 valve cab. Cant wait for you guys to hear it! :)
Were stoked about the ep!