new slipknot


May 2, 2005
I downloaded it from itunes this morning and set out for an 8 mile run. It's more like a cross between slipknot and stone sour. Not bad, just not iowa.
I'm kindof interested in this album. Never been a fan of the band, but over the years I've come to realize that they've got some damn good songs.

I still hate 4 totally useless members in the bad though.
I just picked it up (with the new Motorhead), listening to it now. I'll let you know what I think.
OK, pretty much what I expected. Upon first listening, it sounds like Slipknot. If you're a fan, you should probably dig it. If not, it won't win you over.

I like it myself, but I was already a fan so...
yeah ive got it but havent listened all the way thru,ill have to give it a run today,in a way i dont think i will like it as much as i am looking forward to a new stone sour album..
I bought it and have listened to it once so far. I liked it, although was expecting it to be heavier than it is. Not necessarily a bad thing though. The production is excellent.
I like it. I agree with Timmyc - Way less heavy than I expected. I thought they'd take things to even further extremes but it seems they have eased off a little and rather than just heavy for the sake of heavy there is a lot more variation.

Very much blurs the line between Stone Sour and Slipknot, it has to be said, but I'm liking the fact that there are more riffs and hooks to get your teeth into.

The Motorhead album - Motorizer - is also a good solid album. One of the most consitent bands around, still making good music despite having a much lower profile than they deserve.
Dave hit it dead on, it's somewhere in between slip knot and Stone sour. I'm on day 2 with it and it's really growing on me.
Seems to me they've put together an album that's a bit more radio-friendly. Like maybe with Corey's success in Stone Sour, the rest of the band decided "money is cool, let's make some".

Overall it's decent, but a bit disappointing. Like a previous poster said, Iowa it ain't.
Seems to me they've put together an album that's a bit more radio-friendly. Like maybe with Corey's success in Stone Sour, the rest of the band decided "money is cool, let's make some".

Overall it's decent, but a bit disappointing. Like a previous poster said, Iowa it ain't.


I'd hazard a guess that the guys in Slipknot have already made enough money to set themselves up for life several times over. You don't think they're succesfu?!

I'd also say they've made way more than Stone Sour, too.
I'm not saying they haven't enjoyed success. Yes, of course they have been successful, and have made lots of money. But, money don't last forever, so you have to make more some time or another.

I don't know about the Stone Sour vs Slipknot bottom line. The way I look at it is radio play equals album sells, I would think Stone Sour got huge amounts of radio play compared to Slipknot. Which in my mind means more album sells and in turn more revenue for the band.

Of course I could be completely off base. Maybe Corey will post the specifics on here. ;)
Gotta get myself a copy - tempted to go see them live over here especially given Machine Head are supporting.
I thought the new slipknot was excellent, I bought the Japanese import with DVD of it. Ran me $35, It kicks ass. It destroys that new lame metallica cd. Also bought the new All That Remains CD "Overcome". It kicks ass, I am really playing that song "Two Weeks". Damn good, I can't wait for the new Trivium to come out on the 30th. I have the whole album downloaded but it's at 192 Shitrate, I'd much prefer 320, I don't know why people bother ripping at 192, it sucks! But I always buy the albums when they come out and if I really like 'em I go for the Japan imports cause their way better quality and they have the bonus tracks.
Ok I got it... first listen - first song didn't do much for me but the 2nd track really got me - yep very Stone Sour influenced indeed.
Ok after a few listens the album is great - taking off where Vol 3 left off. First 4 songs are killer. Going to see them live with Machine Head end of October here in Adelaide too.

Pyschosocial is an absolute great song. I could never understand Slipknot being tagged as Kiddy Metal - given I am an old schooler too pushing the wrong side of 30.
i could never understand the kid metal tag either,they are jusdt playing an updated version of what i was listening to when i first got into metal,testament exodus anthrax etc.