New Slough Feg Song + Album Release Digital Resistance

I've seen footage of Slough Feg playing elsewhere, like in San Fran, and maybe it's because its San Fran and they, presumably, play there a lot, but there was not a whole lot of people at the show. I think Chicago could draw just as much, if not more.
While I agree that Slough Feg hasn't drawn well in the past, it's been what, like 3 years since they last played chicago???

You would have said the same thing about Manilla Road a couple years ago too.

There is definitely a whole new breed of traditional metal fans popping up (or at least you better hope so for Ragnarokkr's sake).

I think Slough Feg would do quite well.
But yea, not sure I would pay them thousands for a one off, but if already on tour, then yeah, would be a good booking.
While I agree that Slough Feg hasn't drawn well in the past, it's been what, like 3 years since they last played chicago???

You would have said the same thing about Manilla Road a couple years ago too.

There is definitely a whole new breed of traditional metal fans popping up (or at least you better hope so for Ragnarokkr's sake).

I think Slough Feg would do quite well.
But yea, not sure I would pay them thousands for a one off, but if already on tour, then yeah, would be a good booking.

yeah...if it was a tour they would have been added instantly...for what they wanted for a one off / flights...with past draw...not worth a gamble.

Manilla Road has done a huge job of getting their name out there and building up the name at other festivals all over. Slough Feg hasn't done much of anything in a few years asides playing HOA and KIT but it isn't like anyone is talking about it. Sadly they will always be a band people like but not race out to see live.
Slough Feg's headlined two one-offs in Calgary (where Gatekrashor are from) and I'm pretty sure both gigs were sold out. 400-500 people. Great support bands of course, but Slough Feg were the attraction

sadly at all the Chicago shows they have best it has been 80. Who knows...maybe now better...but with their track record in the city here...not worth travel cost and fee.
on a side note...I love Slough Feg...would love to see them. Would almost rather have seen them over Picture. Just for a one off was more than they are worth at this point with how things have been in the past.
You are insane if you think the cost for PICTURE is more justified than whatever SLOUGH FEG are asking that. Not sure if that's what you are suggesting. But if so, you need to see a Dr pronto!!!!

LOL - Yeah, sadly Slough Feg hasnt drawn big, but it's certainly a whole new landscape these days.

Heck at that first Alehorn, there were more people there to watch Slough Feg than Manilla Road.

Too bad they are from California, and not Ohio or Michigan or Minnesota or Indiana!
You are insane if you think the cost for PICTURE is more justified than whatever SLOUGH FEG are asking that. Not sure if that's what you are suggesting. But if so, you need to see a Dr pronto!!!!

LOL - Yeah, sadly Slough Feg hasnt drawn big, but it's certainly a whole new landscape these days.

Heck at that first Alehorn, there were more people there to watch Slough Feg than Manilla Road.

Too bad they are from California, and not Ohio or Michigan or Minnesota or Indiana!

oh no that is not what I was saying....I don't think the cost of Picture is worth it as well. They were a sponsored band so the cost was knocked down a lot for them.

I understand the landscape has changed...but the cost of what it was going to be to get them here...they would not have bought enough in to cover it. This was one of the bands that was in serious talks with playing. Mike even posted about it to zero fanfare. This is what scared him off. Only Pat offered up money and was one of the few who seemed interested in them playing....this is the issue...since they come around once in a while people feel cheated if they are on a fest because they feel a fest should be bands they don't ordinarily get to see in thier opinion. I suggested Slough Feg twice for the fest.....I think it is too much of a gamble.

Like SImon says...hahahah ( get it ). I am sure they will be on Alehorn or here on their own soon.

I do think it would be a great booking. I am a fan.
I seriously think there are a LOT of people who are into Slough Feg who weren't around the last few times they played.

I guess in the midwest they have that stigma of "always being here" since they are good pals with Bible, etc.......

Would I take the financial gamble on flights from California for a one off?
You may got me there. Would have to seriously think about that.

Though I think Slough Feg would also have a HUGE appeal on out of towners.

I know you are a fan! Anytime I have seen them you have been there, and I think you have seen em a couple times I haven't!
Well mike had that post about them a while back and there was little interest. A few posted they would like to see them and a bunch said otherwise. Any band is a HUGE plus for out of towners.

And yes I only missed a few of thier shows in Chicago...the one with Hammers of Misfourtune when they first played here and the second alehorn.

Saw them at the first Alehorn, third and fourth and at Quenchers with pat where I almost got decaptitated by a guitar that night.
That show at Quenchers was awesome. I think the first time we met in person? I loved the setlist too...lots of stuff from Animal Spirits. When the singer jumped off stage and tried to play the piano for "Tell Tale Heart" but could not get the key cover up...that was hilarious. And almost getting decapitated. And you being so scared that you would have to listen to Bible of the Devil.
That show at Quenchers was awesome. I think the first time we met in person? I loved the setlist too...lots of stuff from Animal Spirits. When the singer jumped off stage and tried to play the piano for "Tell Tale Heart" but could not get the key cover up...that was hilarious. And almost getting decapitated. And you being so scared that you would have to listen to Bible of the Devil.

that was a fun night...I loved the piano bit too. I was soooo scared that I was going to be stuck listening to Bible of the glad they headlined.

Also don't forget the fat guy in Stone Magnum who almost fell off stage backwards too.
First time you met Pat was when you met up with us after Thin Lizzy. I remember it was April Fool's Day a few years back. I think the Quencher's show was a couple weeks later.