new song! Check it out!

awesome tone there mate, can you tell us what you did to get the tone? What mics? how did you mic it up? did you dual track much? any eq before amp, OD boost etc? This tone rocks!! :headbang:
i used channel 2, vintage mode, gain at: 2 o´clock, bass at: 10 o´clock, mid at: 10 o´clock, trible at 2 o´clock. no precense at all, added that later in mix. i played this amp VERY LOUD! channel master at 1 o´clock, output master at 12 o´clock. Silicon diod, spongy. i used my Recto Cab w/V30. 1 MD421 and 1 SM57-off axis. md421 thru a Joemeek preamp/enhancer-->Mackie Onyx pre. SM57 direct into Onyx. ESP M-II Urban camo with EMG 81 was used. Planet waves cables.

There are 4 rythm guitars on that track. 2 is more scooped and 2 are more bright. Scooped ones L--R, Bright L80--R80.
DFHS Drums
What an awesome track dude.. I can't wait till it's properly mixed. Those guitars sound crushing as fuck even as they are. Is there a lot of the MD421 mixed in there (sounds like there is a fair bit)? Were the two mics set up in Nordstrom technique or just standard off-axis, pointing right at the speaker?
i played this amp VERY LOUD! channel master at 1 o´clock, output master at 12 o´clock.

Im using pretty much the same set up for guitars settings and all, with the exeption of the channel master! thats fuckin loud :headbang: gonna give it a try. thamks for posting man
What an awesome track dude.. I can't wait till it's properly mixed. Those guitars sound crushing as fuck even as they are. Is there a lot of the MD421 mixed in there (sounds like there is a fair bit)? Were the two mics set up in Nordstrom technique or just standard off-axis, pointing right at the speaker?

Different speakers. the SM57 is 45 degrees and MD421 right on the cone. mostly MD421 in mix.
Ahhhh, so for live the diodes are the daddys? :)

Isnt it kinda defeating the point of the all tube amp? Im waiting for mine to arrive so im just getting so pre info, just curious! :)