New song for you to mix :D

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Since mixing is still not my strength (yet!:heh:), I thought I could upload the tracks of my song so you could do your own mix for practice. I will post your mix on my myspace and credit you as well.

So here's the tracks:

And you can hear my first mix in this thread:

Guitars and bass are DI only, and drums are in midi. I included the piano and the strings in midi and in wav. The vocals at the end are really strange. They have been recorded with the same setup but they sound really dark/muffled. I think the mic was positioned incorrectly. If you can fit them in the mix keep them, if not delete them(I'm still wondering if I should keep this part instrumental).

Have fun:heh:

Thanks...i'll give a try... there's nice sessions....i think this guitars deserve a nice fizzy aproach..
If I re-record the rhytm tonight after job would you be kind enough to check them, if they still have issues? It would confirm that it is the intonation of my guitar. I suppose a luthier can correct the intonation?